Immediate client crash on loading into server

Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Crash
Server type PvE-Conflict
Region: US

Immediate client clash when loading into server. Seems to be floating nameplate related as that is the error that comes up. Have shut the server down until funcom and mods get their stuff sorted.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
1.Start game
2.Join Server
3.Crash almost instantly, don’t even get a chance to move.
4.880454836,1113901982,864199675,1380270168,1439140851 Are the mods installed, but error message is from root app code.


same problem

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Make sure your server (if its yours) has the right number of player slots open, I had my server trying to force 40 slots instead of the 10 I pay for (Just my small group of friends) I contacted the Server company I rent from and they said my Game.ini file had erased itself and messed up and thats why it was doing it. We would join the server and then the server would stop itself cause it was bugging out. If you rent it from a website and they offer support I’d talk to them.

Getting the same thing. Cannot even finish logging in. In PVE, solo/coop mode, game almost seems to load then crashes with a fatal error. I also tried verifying the local files which came back as verified.

Fatal error:
[File:C\p4\Engine\4.15-dw-StableBranch\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\ScriptCore.cpp] [Line: 1137]
Failed to find function SetThrallAIState in W_FloatingName_C/Engine/Transient.GameEngine_0:BP_ConanGameInstance_C_0.W_FloatingName_C_14

Yes, the server is doing this. So that is good news that this might be fixed on the server. But…it is also doing it for single player and won’t even load the game before crashing and giving the same error that the server logs are giving. How would we go about fixing that? Seems I won’t be able to play on a working server if my local game is fried too.

Yeah…i get the same to now after the update,seems the thralls is the problem that not is in station of any kind,i hope they can fix this fast

Thanks Darlanta but its not a slot issue, its a bug. Used to this sort of thing with modded servers, just have to either get all players turning nameplates off, or wait for updated mods (and hopefully a hotfix for the other issues Funcom surely is finding out about).

Sounds like one of the various mods that broke as of this patch. Have to disable the mods, or wait for the mod authors to update them (once they have the updated dev kit on hand)

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From my own testing the error comes from 1113901982 - The Age of Calamitous as it is interfering with a lot of what was just added. I had to temporarily shut my server down till he fixes the issues with the patch 11 he has coming out but if FunCom does no release a new Devkit then it may cause more issues and easier to remove it.

Dev Kit update is scheduled to release tomorrow.

Also, Age of Calamitous gets broken pretty much every patch because of how much it changes. It’s a legit mod overhaul and it’s huge in scope (their mod authors totally deserve all the credit in the world for all they have done). Anyhoo, it’s pretty normal to have to wait a day or two for AoC guys to get things converted over to the newest version, but they always do and have been around Conan Exiles modding community for a long time now.

This was always an issue when hosting Minecraft and Rust for us when we added mods to the server, used to drive me insain with every update. I learnt my lesson there and now only host vanilla games.

Vanilla Conan Exiles is unplayable in my book. And Funcom doesn’t pay me enough to fix s for them.

I was only stating that I stick to hosting only Vanilla games because of the hassle of downtime whilst waiting for mods to be updated. I love mods, don’t get me wrong, but when you have a community moaning at you because your server cannot be used for a while after each update to the game, it becomes stressful.

However, your comment about the Conan Vanilla game being unplayable has me baffled. I find it perfectly playable, and I’m at a loss as to how any mod takes (IYO) an Unplayable Conan Vanilla game and makes it playable?!

And what do you mean with this statement?

Well let’s face it, the term “playable” is different for every individual. Groups can compromise and such with what mods they want and need to feel like their game is a game because Conan Exiles is lacking in a ton of stability and stupid non-immersive mechanics. And yes, “immersion” is defined differently across the board too. If I had a choice of playing Conan Exiles with no mods or to get my money back, I would want my money back. Mods are meant for flavor, not for performance fixes and the like. Modders are having to do Funcoms job and they don’t even get paid for it. And the modders support is lacking from Funcom too. I have been a big supporter of Funcom because of this one game for a while, but their true colors are starting to show, as are mine because I am fed up. We have been taken advantage of.

After reading your post a few times, to be honest it seems like you are more frustrated than seeing Funcom`s “true colours”. Since I know the feeling of frustration especially with video games and developers and when I feel frustrated I usually feel frustrated just like the way you are now.

Back in my Days of playing The War Z (or Infestation Survivor stories as it is called now), there was a whole ton of bugs in that open world survival game as well as a lot of hackers and cheaters and the creators didn`t do anything about it looking back now and I felt used especially when they kept dangling things that never came like cars and such to me and other players faces as well as bug fixes. Apparently some former players said they didn’t treat their community well from what I have heard as well so to me that was the only time I ever felt used and they also killed off their own game so to speak by shutting down their servers back in 2016 I believe it was as well so I was very pissed at that.

Though in the case of mods, from what I am seeing is that from mods from this game and others there will also be mods that fix bugs heck even in Mount and Blade: Warband there are mods that fix bugs from the game. So no, I don’t think they are using us. But I do think we should push for them to release the dev kit on the same day as the patch as that will help out a lot for both players and modders.


I would hope not, we all use the same dictionary.

If I have a car, its either Drivable or Undrivable. Drivable doesn’t mean it drives perfectly, it could still have black smoke or a knocking noise, but if it moves in a controlled manor, its drivable.

If its undrivable, that suggests that the vehicle can’t be controlled or moved, totally useless for its intended purpose.

Maybe there are better phrases to use, such as:

“Without mods, I find the game isn’t very enjoyable and mods give the game all those missing elements I want”
“Mods allow me do more in the game, vanilla has become stale for me”
“I get bored in vanilla but the mods give the game more replayable aspects”
“There is a bug in the game which makes me want to quit the game, but the mods I use resolve it for me”

I know what you mean about the mods, I used to love Minecraft but have never enjoyed playing vanilla, the mods made the game for me.

Vanilla MC wasn’t unplayable, just got boring very quickly without the mods.

The Modders

Every game I play I find a great community of modders. They all do a great job, just for the love of the game mostly. I congratulate them all for their efforts, many games are enriched by their efforts. However, none of them are forced to do anything, least of all by Funcom.

Q: As a server host myself, I’d be interested to know the name of the mod you refer to which solves the server performance issues in the game, what’s it called please. :slight_smile:

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I don’t think this, this last update has addressed a lot of issues, not all, but many.

Personally I feel that the worst Funcom have done is to release the game too early, another year in EA would have been better. I bought the game in EA for less than £20 with the knowledge it might even fail or get dropped so I’m thrilled it lives on and the development continues. Give them time :slight_smile:

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Seldom have I seen so much whining about mods

No one forces us to play with mods, we do it because of the flavours they add.

Don’t blame Funcom for breaking mods; not their fault.
Don’t blame the modders for spicing up your game life; they have a life too, and jumping down their throats will likely only encourage them to stop making mods.

If you cannot play the game without mods, take a break from the game or adjust your game with mods that aren’t affected by this patch.



And nobody forces me to play, promote, or ever buy another Funcom game.

So essentially, you are mad that an official update broke the mods, thus making your game unplayable.

I’m a mod author, so I’m going to put this as clearly as I can. There is NO avoiding this. If you want the game to continue to grow and progress, get updates to fix bugs, they have to update their code, assets, and blueprints. If a mod also edits those same blueprints, then a mod that is then using a previous version of those blueprints clash with the new ones. This is how it always happens, in every single game that has mods in it. If an official update is done, virtually most or all mods can and will break, no matter which company is doing the updating.

The dev kit is out now, so the mod authors of the world will update their content when they have the time to. A little bit of patience goes a long way for us mod authors to do our thing.