Hello everyone,
This is my first time posting a suggestion, so I hope this will help.
One thing I think that will improve the gameplay is for stations to provide more information on what the items they can make. For example, lets say that I want to know which piece of medium chest armor is better, or if I want to know it’s stats. Currently, I can do that in two ways. I can go onto the conan exiles wikia to find out, or I can craft the armor and see what the stats are. If the interface was changed in a way that I could see the stats of a weapon, armor, tool, or potion BEFORE I craft it, it would make decision making much easier.
Another option is to make searching for specific items faster. Using armor as an example again, currently armor is divided into several categories, such as light, medium, heavy, legendary, etc. The issue is that the search bar only works for the specific name, not the type. Lets say that I want to look at all types of medium armor I currently have. Right now, if I just type in “medium” in the search bar, it will only show the armor that has the word medium in it’s name. What if we could organize the armor by type (medium, heavy, etc)?
Finally, it would be nice if a wheel of pain could tell how long it will take for a thrall to be tamed. The bar is nice, but I think it would be better if there was some sort of time limit shown.
I am planning on posting images of what the interface can look like later.
What do you guys think?