Increased melee and ranged damage for horses

Has anyone been able to figure out exactly what these % stats effect when it comes to horses for example? If my horse has 150% increased melee damage does that mean I swing for 150% increased damage from horseback? Does the lance hit deal increased damage? Will it only increase trample damage?

Same for accuracy and ranged damage. Does this effect my shots from horseback or will it only make my shots more accurate while moving?

This part I know because they talked about it in the Dev Stream a couple of weeks ago. Here is what I pulled from that stream.

Horse - Attributes (31:20):

While the system for leveling is the same with pets as it is with mounts, what the attributes will do change on a mount versus a pet.

  • Horse Strength:
    • Affects how much damage you will do when attacking a target at full speed.
  • Horse Accuracy:
    • Makes bow shots that are fired while on Horseback more accurate.

The rest will take some experimentation, but hope that gives you a jump start on figuring it out.


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