No, we were discussing that issue, however the part that doesn’t fit in your report is the “I can not even start in single-player”.
This issue of looping in such way cannot affect single-player in any way as single player loads with whatever mods you have on your computer without performing any checks on them so you never get a mod mismatch interface when using singleplayer, hence why it seemed weird.
Unless you meant that your game crashes from one of the mods and unsubbing doesn’t remove them so that’s why you can’t use single player.
Otherwise the issue in the current topic only affects online modded private servers.
Either way, whenever you modify anything on Steam (such as unsubbing from a mod) you need to do a verify files on the game because for some reason Steam isn’t pushing the workshop updates like it’s supposed to.
Try the following:
- Delete the files:
- Unsubscribe from all mods then do a Verify integrity of files in Steam (properties / local files / verify) then start the game
- Try joining the server you play on and letting the game subscribe you to the mods used. Do a verify files again if you keep getting the endless loop. If you get it even after that, then load single-player (without changing anything regarding mods) then go back to the main menu only and try joining the server again.
This will only work IF the server is completely up to date on all the mods btw… if the server hasn’t been restarted since one of the mods was updated (and they’re getting updated almost every day during this time) then you will get an infinite loop no matter what you do until the server owner updates the mods on the server.