Well, I tried what u suggested and no dice. But as I sat staring at the mod mismatch screen in disbelief and bewilderment, I noticed that one of the mods looks like it updated but the server hasn’t yet.
Pythagoras Expanded Buildings server side is v2.1.11 but I’m showing the most recent version is v2.1.12, so hopefully a good ol’ restart will solve the issue and get me back to Conananananing. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to check tho.
It’s usually the most obvious issue, right in front of ur face that u miss
Well, I found a way to get things almost right. Before I launch the game, I check my modlist. If one of them was updated since my last session, I make the update MANUALLY, not via the launcher. And…oh, look at this, it’s now working as it should! . Try it, maybe it will help you too.
It doesn’t work for me. Moreover I can’t even launch single-player game because of this loop! I have to reinstall game files to get rid of this issue and play SP, with mods or without them. I’m strongly disappointed: I rent a server (not G-Portal) and can not use it for 9 days after 3.0 update.
You are getting a mod mismatch interface and your game is automatically restarting in single player without mods installed? Either that’s the case, or you are having a completely different problem than what is described in this thread
Are you discussing some other “infinite loop” by now? I get the same loop as TS. I use ctrl+alt+del to stop it but when I launch the game again I can not even start in single-player (or join ANY server). Deleting “servermod.txt”, unsubscribing and other roundabout ways do not help. I get a message about “temporary mod list” every time I try to do so until I reinstall game files. After that I can play again: SP with mods or join any unmodded server. If I try to join any modded server all this happens again and I have to reinstall game.
No, we were discussing that issue, however the part that doesn’t fit in your report is the “I can not even start in single-player”.
This issue of looping in such way cannot affect single-player in any way as single player loads with whatever mods you have on your computer without performing any checks on them so you never get a mod mismatch interface when using singleplayer, hence why it seemed weird.
Unless you meant that your game crashes from one of the mods and unsubbing doesn’t remove them so that’s why you can’t use single player.
Otherwise the issue in the current topic only affects online modded private servers.
Either way, whenever you modify anything on Steam (such as unsubbing from a mod) you need to do a verify files on the game because for some reason Steam isn’t pushing the workshop updates like it’s supposed to.
Try the following:
Delete the files: ConanSandbox\Saved\ModRestartData.json ConanSandbox\servermodlist.txt ConanSandbox\Mods\modlist.txt
Unsubscribe from all mods then do a Verify integrity of files in Steam (properties / local files / verify) then start the game
Try joining the server you play on and letting the game subscribe you to the mods used. Do a verify files again if you keep getting the endless loop. If you get it even after that, then load single-player (without changing anything regarding mods) then go back to the main menu only and try joining the server again.
This will only work IF the server is completely up to date on all the mods btw… if the server hasn’t been restarted since one of the mods was updated (and they’re getting updated almost every day during this time) then you will get an infinite loop no matter what you do until the server owner updates the mods on the server.
In that case there’s a good chance your servers mods are not up to date, while the server is running they cannot be updated. Otherwise the above steps generally work if the server has been updated properly
Following @Xevyr advices i repost my post here, on the “main” thread
We are having the same issue here, private server with :
Greater camera distance
LTS compas
Thrall vl to 100
Better Thralls
Less building placement
Hand craft objecy
We tried removing all mods, log on without the internet to load a solo game but the loop starts the moment the game starts, even when not clicking on “continue” on the launcher.
Also tried to reboot server, check the local data etc.
The only thing we did not was to delete then reinstall the game ^^"
First you need to make sure the mods on the server are all indeed their latest version, unless that is the case there is nothing you can do and you will always get a mismatch loop. Why? Because you start the game client… it notices that it has a different version than the server… so it goes to try and update and restart however it can never get the “correct” version because the server is the one having the old version.
Steam workshop is having issues pushing out the new updates so often times it’ll tell you your mods are up to date when they’re actually not, that is why we’re doing the manual unsubbing from mods and verifying files as that forces a refresh.
The steps 4 posts above should work in most cases when the server is actually up to date just make sure the server’s updated first and that you’re doing all those steps in order
That’s why you need to delete the files in step 1 first
That gets recreated automatically when you start the game with mods enabled.
What is your issue though? Trying to join a modded server and you are getting a constant mod mismatch error with the game restarting?
If you’ve completed the steps from that list above (obviously if you don’t have a file to delete, simply skip over that one, but still do the verify integrity etc) and are still getting the mod mismatch problem, then chances are the server has one or more mods not updated either. (That way the mismatch would keep happening as you have a newer version and cannot automatically download an old version to match the server)
yeah Im trying to join a server and still getting sent to the mods loading screen. I can’t autoconnect because the box wont stay ticked so I always end up there regardless. I’ve tried some other modded servers and even singleplayer and the mods have loaded there so im at a loss.
Single player is not affected by this in any way, so that will always let you in.
That’s okay, you still have a connect button on that interface. If you do those steps and only try to connect to this server after your game is clean of mods and have auto-subscribe checked and hit connect and you’re unable to join and still unable even after doing a second verify, then it’s almost certain that the server is running with an outdated mod and hasn’t been updated / restarted since one of those mods updated.
On a side-note though just want to point out that this is not a good time to be playing “nomad style” and swapping between various modded servers with different mods. Steam is still not pushing mod updates properly so every time you connect to a different server with different mods, you might run into the same issues.
You can delete those for sure, (I even mention deleting the modrestartdata above) though that wouldn’t stop the issue if the server itself is the one that needs a mod update.
Also with the modcontroller cache there is a chance of a bug letting you through when it’s deleted, without your mods actually being loaded properly so you would have missing stuff, holes in buildings that use mod pieces etc. If you delete that it’s always best to make sure all your mods are enabled and load into singleplayer first so the file is recreated.
If you look in your logs you will no doubt see the errors about mods.
Here’s the annoying, but simple and easy fix.
(first make sure you close game)
Look at your Conan page on Steam.
Click Workshop
On the right side click “your files” and from the drop down select “Subscribed Items”
Click Unsubscribe from ALL
Go to Steam/SteamApps/Workshop/content/440900 That folder should be empty, if its not empty it and double check to make sure you are unsubscribed to all those files.
Relaunch your game and try to connect to server
My friends and I have had this happen multiple times since 3.0 and its fixed it every time.
is that 100% what is actually causing this? because every time I think theres one or more mods not up to date those same mods work fine in singleplayer or on another server. I still got the loop after these steps and im going in circles trying to solve this because everyone seems to have a different solution
That’s because single-player does not care whether your mods are updated or not… it will simply load up whatever you have
A mod mismatch can only occur between a client and a server so this only applies to online play
You being able to join other servers that use the same mods is literally proof that the server is not updated properly like I said earlier…
Not really, everyone is saying the same thing pretty much, @mofaka said the same thing above too, one step is slightly different, but it will accomplish the exact same thing. So either versions would work
Bottom line… in your case… that specific server does not have all the mods properly updated