Infinite Loading Loop

Edu, this thread is about something different than your issue.
You clearly have a connection issue, the thread here is specifically about mods and modded servers causing the game to keep restarting itself because it thinks it doesn’t have the correct versions of the mods for the server they’re trying to join. I did reply to you in the megathread thou

thanks, i will try a vpn to see if it works

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didnt worked

Did you try this: Infinite Loading Loop - #30 by TeleTesselator

Hello Tele, i tried it, the game launched but had no effect on the infinite loading screen

I belive that this is a problem with this server (1977), other servers i join normally. This server is very problematic, i did not leaved it before, because of my base, but now that it was adm wiped nothing holds me in there anymore but with the tranfers on hold i could not leave LoL. I was flirting with a canadian private server but it had pvp all day and infinite decay, and cant find de adm to know the server rules. So i passed.

In my experience it has to do with mods. If the server has mods (or you have mods in your client folders) this can happen. If not, doesn’t happen. It’s for sure a client issue either way tho… And that means you might be able to find some work-around until they get it fixed. This is a show-stopper for a lot of users so should be high priority for the @Community.


Thank you for tagging us @TeleTesselator! We confirmed with several players that unsubscribing to mods and deleting both the modlist.txt and servermodlist.txt stop the infinite loop/crash.

Please make sure you are also using the correct and updated version of the mods before loading the game.

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Sorry if this will be a double…

As far as I have figured out, for me it works to:
-update mods which are older than on server
-verify game integrity (which repairs (steam) redistributables every single time modmismatch-loop happens; doesn’t affect modlist/servermodlist as far as I have seen)
-be happy to being able to join again

Others get it to work by simply restarting steam, yet another people have no issues at all… or are simply not saying anything. Or by going those steps above. For me… downloading mods again wont help (me) at all. Didnt try killing modlists.
Also modmismatchloop occurs as well when server runs an older version of a mod than installed on client.

Not only modmismatch wont function as intended.
Canceling character creation wont as well. It’s the second option when creating and behaves as if one confirmed.

As for Pippi mushiscript:
When having a single… let say dialogue node connects to multiple option nodes, only the first one will be connected when the text is loaded again, being shared or else stuff.
As if second options… simply aren’t supposed to be. Not just for mods but vanilla too?

So why was I going there? Maybe this “only one option is legit”-bug is somewhat deep…
I assume the first option which a client chooses if it hit’s a modmismatch is a reorganizing and restarting the game, causing this loop. Second and third “options” (aka feedback about why the modmismatch happens) are simply not available, resulting in the client going for the first one?
I likely am totally wrong, as I dont know what I’m talking about. :sweat_smile:

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But i have no mods, and already deleted the modlist.txt that was empty and was servermodlist.txt not present on my installation, a lot of user that play on this server is having the same problem.

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That’s because your issue has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Neither yours or Tiagos :smiley: I pointed that out earlier.
This topic is specifically about an infinite restart LOOP, not an infinite loading screen. Players here do not have an infinite loading screen… their game keeps restarting because it thinks their mods are not updated. So this thread applies ONLY to modded servers, not officials.

You guys appear to be having a simple internet provider issue in the region, or the server in question could be having it, basically from what I’ve gathered from the error messages you posted your network packets are lagging so much that the game gives up on them and as I’ve seen community members mention multiple times that they’re investigating the server in question it’s probably on their side. But if that’s the case, it’s not easy to switch providers on the fly for a server so while it’s unfortunate I don’t think it’s getting fixed in a few days.

Hope that clears it up now


Understood, wth there is another bug then, my mistake. I think i will need to make another bug report


You are right, unsubscribing from all mods will work. But this is having to be done just about every time you want to play the game. Even when the mods are not updated and no changes have been made. I can unsubscribe to all the mods, download them. Load into the game. Exit the game, come back in five minutes when there have been no mods updated only to be in the endless loop again. I am having to unsubscribe from all mods and redownload them every time I want to play the game.

I also wanted to point out here, that I and others are having to have the game itself download the mods from the server verification screen. We are not able to subscribe in the workshop. If we unsubscribe all from the workshop and then subscribe to the mods in the workshop, the endless loop will still continue. If 1 mod updates, you unsubscribe to the one mod. Subscribe to the mod, go to the MODs tab on the launcher, put it in the correct load sequence. Endless loop.

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Man, this just started happening to me…again. The unsubscribe / delete modlist was working until now. Tried it 3 times today and I’m still getting the loop. Now I’m trying a complete reinstall of the game, but hope is running thin

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This is happening on just private servers with OR without mods? Is it happening on official servers?

Infinite loading screen on Official Servers, not the same problem, as Official Servers can’t have mods

PC: Can’t connect to 1977 for days. Where are the developers?

PS: Cannot enter any server. Not even solo. Totally gamebroken

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No, this is just regarding modded servers.

Also @b3l14l Try deleting your ModControllerCache.json in ConanSandbox/saved… then do a verify files afterwards and make sure your game is started with all the correct mods first and only then try to join the server.

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I had to leave for a few hours but I’ll give it a shot when I get home.

But after I did the reinstall, I fired it up, when to the mod screen and subscribed/downloaded (as expected), game restarted and…mod loop :expressionless:. But I’ll try what u suggested and keep my fingers crossed.

MCP works on mine but I cannot even log into the server for client issues of constant loading. Was working fine for about 36 hrs then bam back to reloading the client.

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Today I removed and reinstalled Conan Exiles along with all my subscribed mods. I than verified all the files made sure no mods were selected and then attempted to launch Conan to the main menu.

To my surprise it went tot eh last server joined and accepted the mods list then went into a constant loop trying to log into the server. I did not choose any server so this is a Funcom issue not a modder issue. People are speaking out to the modders as if the mods are causing this but this clearly shows it is not teh case.

Funcom I am sure is working on this issue due to the posting about it but please people leave the modders to the mods they are working as hard if not harder than the crew at Funcom. Patience is the key here I think.

Thanks for reading.

Update, tried the above suggestion and still no dice, it goes to the last login even when just selecting “Launch”