Infinite Loading Screen with Hotfix update

I’ve read some others with the same issue, but I figured I’d post my testings thus far and issues myself as well. I hope we are to find new patch to fix this soon?

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Just for updates sake, i was able to host my own Coop with someone else in it with no issue. I was also able to join their coop with no issue.

But when joining any servers (Non official) I cannot load for a long period as stated above.

Also finding this error in my files now

[2024.11.10-06.12.19:031][ 0]LogHttp:Warning: 000001B95FD313C0: request failed, libcurl error: 52 (Server returned nothing (no headers, no data))
[2024.11.10-06.12.19:031][ 0]LogOnlineTime:Error: Real UTC time request failed.

It is the same as John and I found out here.

Curious as to which region you are in as this may be similar to the op of the above thread.

I actually just found the solution for ME at least;
I installed a recent windows update which I waited about a month to install it (As most should with windows) and I installed it around the same time as the 4th patch.

I rolled it back today, just out of curiosity since I have tried everything else- even as far as to contact my provider and have them send new equipment ect.


I load in normally now, no issues besides getting stuck in the floor but that’s nothing.

Windows update doesn’t work well with the 4th Patch it seems.

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