Intro movie always plays

I’ve just come back after a break of a few months and updated. Now, every time I start the game I get the whole intro movie.

I’ve edited DefaultGame.ini as follows:


… but it makes no difference. The whole movie plays and key or mouse input makes no difference.

It’s a great movie, but I know it off by heart now. Do I really have to watch it every single time?

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The reason you can’t skip it is because the game is still loading. I don’t know what they did, but a while back something changed that kind of hangs in the initial loading process. As a result that initial load when starting the game can sometimes take longer than the length of the intro movie.

Personally I just start the game and then go make a sandwich or something. It’s usually ready to go by the time I get back.


This latest patch was supposed to fix that.

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In my file, instead of pluses, there are minuses, and I do not see any movies.

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Brilliant, thank you Teng, that has solved the problem, nice fast load now.

For anyone looking for the fix, here it is:

Go to your steam library and open DefaultGame.ini (replace X: with your drive letter)

X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Config\DefaultGame.ini

Find the movie section and edit to look like this:


Save and exit. You may need to repeat this after each update.

After updates, nothing more often needs to be edited, but after checking the integrity of files, it is necessary.

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