Is Bazaar labyrinth (hedge maze) an invitation to claim land to use it?

Selling a purely ornamental item like that seems to be an invitation to claim more land.

Now I have seen much larger land claims than mine, huge ones, but that still seem reasonable both to me and probably to what Funcom would say, although some probably push the limits.

I’m just wondering if using that to take up a 10x10 (or 20x20?) additional area could possibly be considered land claim abuse, because what else is it for but that?

I actually have a spot within my existing claim that I would use personally.

It’s not in the shop now, I’m just planning ahead. I realize nobody can be certain what Funcom will do in any given situation, I guess I’m more asking what people think they should do.

Honestly, I get tired of building considerately when there are people on my server that take up squares on the map. Some are two. :unamused:

If you are terribly worried you could always make a base with a small courtyard and use it there.

I think a lot of the bazaar items are huge, but there are a lot of offline / private server players too.

The labyrinth is probably best used on a private server or single player.


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