Is the Chapter 4 Dev Stream cave on Siptah?

Also both PvE raid bases. EL has it as part of the castle, they could have followed suit.

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Please don’t see my messages like annoyance, i will just throw “memory bricks” that come to my mind just in case they help a bit. You don’t even need to reply if you already checked these areas.
Under the layshrine we do surge, from the east side it has a big empty cave.
To the wolf vault entrance, cave small.
It has a cave with gas close to the camp we take Brutus, southern.

Once @sestus2009 send me a photo with a rabbit shrine, i don’t remember exactly where it is and tbh, i cannot recall if i ever find it too.

Thank you for running around to help us.

Not annoying in the slightest, the more ideas the better. I’ll take a look around your suggestions, I’m not too sure where the rabbit shrine is, but I’ll see what I can find! :slight_smile:


my kids would disagree

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No such luck with any of those ideas unfortunately. I found the Rabbit statue too, nothing there.

I’m starting to think the altar might be in the overworld, which will be a nightmare to find. It could be in the vaults too, they fit the descriptor of “dark and forgotten”. I feel like it’s either been really well hidden, or I’m stupid and I’ve overlooked something completely obvious :joy:


In the Serpent-man vault of east, near the new luxur, it has a gate that i never managed to open. I could see the switch from inside, but there was no way to press it.
Dark and forgotten… I need thinking let me scratch my head a bit. Thanks for sharing :metal:

Found it!
It’s over in Map Square F6, right at the back of The Bloodmine, on the level below the bonfire. I’d say “Dark & Forgotten” kinda fits here, though I’m not surprised it took so long to find, there are basically two entire biomes to fit that description :weary:


Tried the deep lakes?

Awesome! Thanks for your help.

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I kinda expected it :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Amazing job as always, thanks a million @Eradicati0n :metal:.

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I figured itd be hidden within the new siege areas on siptah just like the exiled lands. Also the new camps kinda meh. Only undead in them. Cant thrall them like the raiders on exiled lands. Almost made me go back to siptah. Oh well though

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It’s just a bit east of Buccaneer Bay, south of the Captain’s Quarters on the shoreline. Shameless self plug, but I’ve got all the locations in this video. I’m gonna make an amended one specifically for the alternative path on Siptah

@stelagel Thanks for the suggestions too! They were all good ideas


Went to the Bloodmine and summoned an 850k Champion. How do I kill this beast? Lol

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Gotta slather yourself in that warpaint and rid yourself of that blasphemous armor for Jhebbal Sag :joy: The Hyena is no joke though, he swings fast


Why you not updatet your video thats looks like clickbait :face_with_peeking_eye::rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: joking my friend you did a good job :ok_hand::+1: and its nice that siptha is getting all content this time i not can wait as the leader of the bearhunter clan to have a wearbear :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


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