I got the Maw of the Hyena at Siptah!

In case you have not found it yet, I found a Maw of the Hyena while roaming Siptah, on a table in a small camp south-west of the island:


Nearby that area there’s a cook that has a chance of spawning as the same boss cook guy on EL. He will also drop the Chef’s Trusted Cleaver in case you’re curious.


Thank you!, I got that as well! I have been meaning to ask here if it had some special power, because I can actually get more meat from the Hardened Steel Cleaver than from the Chef’s Trusted one.


I believe it’s just got more damage. Can’t remember offhand though. Doesn’t matter really since you don’t use it as a weapon. I think it’s just the coolest looking cleaver in game. It makes for a nice illusion on whichever one you do choose to use.


I just checked… it’s not more damage. It’s higher durability. My mistake. Regardless, I’m putting it on my starmetal cleaver as an illusion. I also illusioned my black blood pick to be a golden pick from the 5th anniversary pack.


Nice! Thank you for the information. I do like that Chef’s look.
I also used the Gold one, but in my Hardened Steel (I am just about to get Star Metal).

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Why? You can get Eldarium tools basically from level 1 on. And those are the same tier as black blood.

Only if you’re on siptah. He could do this though since he was asking about it on Siptah (i illusioned my EL pick). He probably doesn’t know the location. I’d be hesitant about revealing it to him if he’s looking to explore on his own though. After all, he only now found the Maw.

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Really you can get eldarium at 1st lvl on Siptah ? How ?
You still need to farm it to get and that means going to or through place with creatures that could two shot you when you’re at low level.

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Precisely :slight_smile:
This is a new character and I am trying to do only the Journey steps. And nope, I believe I have not found the recipe for the tools yet.

That is true. Some players are a bit more ballsy than others and may be willing to risk it though.

In the interest of the OP’s request to avoid spoilers, I’ll just say check the leyshrines. If you wanna know more than that, google it.

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