Is the Large Cage for decoration only? What is the best way to capture and retain thralls who wake up?

So there is no door on the cage? Is it for decoration? If so, how useless.

Depends on your perspective. When I have an outpost with a wheel of pain on it so I can capture some thralls, I like decorating it besides just being a wheel with a campfire. I put up benches, tents, torches and cages. The cages really help make it look like you’re doing exactly what you’re doing…enslaving people.

Now I won’t lie, I would LOVE to be able to put thralls on them, make it like a station so if you put a thrall in there you can see them sit in there miserably, but it’s still good for visual effects.

Yeah i believe that it is just for looks. However it would be nice if it served a practical purpose.

From the sounds of it, you’re going hog wild on capturing and don’t have the space available on your wheel.
Good going dude.
Get a bigger wheel of pain.
Greater wheel holds 8.

While decorations are nice, this could me made useable item by allowing to store unbroken npcs, waiting for slot on wheel of pain. The cage would have 1 slot, and animation for 1 caged npc. the dafari cage would have 2 slots with animation for 2 caged npcs, and the the large cage for 3. This is also “quality of life” thing, where we don’t have to wait to go get more npcs at early level.

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“What is the best way to capture and retain thralls who wake up?”

Knock 'em out again.

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While decorations are nice, this could me made useable item by allowing to store unbroken npcs, waiting for slot on wheel of pain. The cage would have 1 slot, and animation for 1 caged npc. the dafari cage would have 2 slots with animation for 2 caged npcs, and the the large cage for 3. This is also “quality of life” thing, where we don’t have to wait to go get more npcs at early level.

So i think this is a great idea actually.

If I recall correctly, Joel Bylos acknowledged on a recent dev stream that it would be cool to park thralls in cages while waiting for a wheel to open. I do not know if that is in the works, but at least we know they are aware of this idea.


Though I hope the put caged npc animations when the cage is being used. that would help a lot with immersion.

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