Sorry but this time I don’t agree with you in the slightest.
“programming is a science and we must apply logic math”
Wanna check this thread? Weather system? Rain? Armors getting wet? - #70 by Vattende, where I provide the most senseless and mindblowing fix to weather not working, which is almost sorcery-like fix, and count how many people, included myself, are finally enjoying weather system, thanks to not applying logic?
How my "anecdote" becomes evidence for 3/4 of the people that tried the fix in that thread?
I don’t know where you wanna get with that “maths / anecdote” remark, but as you can see, it has been easily debunked.
Living proof of what? There are many players (as you can see not only in your poll, but in this thread created almost a month ago) that have working purges. I also had 2 working waves during purges. We are all the living proof that Purge is not a myth (lol) but also that it is far from working as intended.