Is there any penalty in dying? Other than dropping all of your stuff

Or most common one… Gravity…

Just can’t get my character to move to wall face to grab on… and SPLAT.

I tend restart my save when I die…

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Shame indeed.

Yesterday, after returning from a long break (because my mouse arm had a nervous condition that prevented me from playing) I finally managed to bypass the bug that prevented the Degenerate from spawning, got the Trapezohedron and had all the artifacts needed to craft the Keystone.

On my way to the altar I stopped to watch a beautiful sunrise, realized it would be the last sunrise I was going to see in the Exiled Lands, and decided to take a selfie.

I blame the long break for making me forget how the game works, forgot to turn off the vanity camera after taking the screenshot, and promptly jumped off the cliff where I was posing for the shot.

So now I understand how some people fall off cliffs when taking selfies. It’s a dumb way to go, kids. Don’t do it.


Here it is, the, um, view to die for.


Well in online gaming you have more reasons to jump from a cliff, it is called “lag”. At the time you are running, if you lag, your character keeps running the direction you were on. So last time I was running with my horse to go on sinchole and take the map room (of another player) to travel on the mount of the dead with a Grrr Legbiter bounded on my chain bindings. I lagged…

My horse, me, my thrall and Grrr did a Salto mortale to the sinchole…

Ofcurce I couldn’t see it, but surely if someone else was there he could witness the Salto mortale …

My horse died, I died, my thrall was fighting the champion dragon and I was running naked to gain my loot back :man_shrugging:.

The funny part?

Grrr wake up and I had to take him down again, this time in the arena of the sinchole :rofl::rofl::rofl:.