Dying while offline?

Game mode: [Online | Online PvE]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [America]

Not sure how, but for some reason i died of starvation while offline. Lost all my gear due to this (mostly legendary goodies unfortunately).
I was at my base, had mostly full water and food when i logged off.

Server 3760 PvE

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Play the game
2.Log off game
3.Die due to starvation
4.Log in to discover you died of starvation and lost all your inventory

Ive never had an issue with it before lol. Oh well, just another wonderful “feature” of conan i suppose.

Yea, seems so. I hadn’t had it happen before. Had the same happen in Ark, falling thru the map when logging in happened quite often.

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