Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Mods?: Yes
Edition: Steam
Bug Description:
Just had a Vanir purge on my base. First wave spawned outside my walls, but just milled around quite a ways from the base. Had to go out and find them. Second wave spawned on the roof of one of my buildings inside my walls. Was under the impression that this was supposedly fixed in a recent patch. If anything, it’s gotten worse. Previous purges have spawned in the basement of my base, as well as roof spawns. Think I’ve only had one that didn’t have at least one wave spawn inside…
Hi @Wingknutt and welcome. I’m speaking as a player here, and I have had a similar purge with Nords in my Wheelroom, smacking all of my pretty curtains. They’ve also appeared on the roof.
We have a base on the Wardtowers, and we found consistent issues with humanoids spawning inside and on the roof. After reading here, I learned that if a humanoid cannot physically walk to their intended location, they will teleport to it.
Pretend there’s an invisible end-point to the purge humanoids’ procession. If it happens to be in line with your base, or inside your base, they may not be able to perceive an “entrance.” Therefore they’ll zap inside or on top.
An easy way to diagnose this is to take a thrall follower on the shortest follow distance, 5 meters. Start at the place where the purge appeared (basement) and walk outward to the entrance they approached from during other waves. If your thrall teleports during any of this, it’s a potential problem.
Next, start outside your base, and enter it with your follower from the direction the waves approached. If on the way to the basement the follower gets hung up or teleports, you must correct it. Otherwise the purge may disregard the path as invalid or blocked, and indeed teleport.
I did not know that. One time I died gloriously, swept off a rock into oblivion 300 meters below, but my partner was there to repel. I’ll look out for it next time.
Um, thralls get stuck EVERYWHERE and have to teleport. Sorry, but that’s not something players should have to “fix”. I’ve had plenty of waves make the trek right up to my front gates with no issues, so no “blocked path”. There is no reason why they can’t get there without teleporting. I always make sure that there is an accessible path to any base I build just for purges. The only reason I have a “basement” is because the whole structure is built on a hollow “base” for hiding all the unappealing benches/wheels, with the aesthetic buildings on top. I’m using the Murayama building set from the Northern Timber mod, and wanted it to look like a Japanese castle.
You were mistaken. Internal purges are intended and never were fixed or are ever planned to be fixed, because they are not a bug.
What was patched, is for purges to attempt to target the edge of your base to reduce the chance of an internal purge. However, if the purge cannot properly target your base, then you will get an internal purge, which is intended.
I cannot advise why your base specifically got them inside without seeing it, but the fact that you say the first wave milled around outside your walls and you had to go out to them indicates that your base was not adequately accessible.
I build tower in water.After make bridge to coast and build one building there connected to bridge.Its not separate build,all is extended from main tower.
But purge start inside tower ant on top.Looks like here exist first foundation rule.I mean game think building center is first placed foundation
I’ve had other purges that walked right up to the front gate with no issues. Clearly it IS adequately accessible. I always ensure that there is easy access to at least part of my base for just this reason.
On some of my other bases where I was focused on function instead of appearance, that’d have been totally acceptable to me. This build, I’m focusing on the appearance, so it doesn’t. I’ve got plans to build “guard towers” inside the walls of my base to take care of mobs spawning on the roof. Just need to get some more archers…
The whole issue is that I shouldn’t have to. Why would purges spawning inside the base be “intended”? I can understand when someone makes a base that is not accessible in any other way to a purge. HOWEVER, when there IS access to the base by other routes, why? What’s the purpose of having walls, foundations, or anything other building piece? If purges can just magically ignore your defenses, why can’t other players on pvp servers ignore your defenses as well? If it’s “intended” for purges, same logic should apply to pvp. You build defenses to keep things out of your base. If you’re bad at it, purges are going to get in. If you’re good at it, they’ll break their teeth on your defenses.
I don’t know if this is relevant (not having seen any of the bases in question), but if you have a main base surrounded by a disconnected wall, to the purge, you have two bases.
If you want a defensive wall around your base, you need to build it out from your main base. Once your wall is constructed, you can dismantle the connection pieces if you want and the wall will still count as being part your base as long as it started that way.
If I get teleporting Purges, I can almost always pin point the spot in my base…
Its almost always a foundation piece thats in/below unable to get to by normal means.
I run Purges back to back… teleporting is pretty rare at my Purge Sites. (as there often built around idea of how game seeks out its attack location)
I rarely if ever see this now. (Even before the one patch that broke it)
I tend to not double/triple stack Foundations do to this. It happens from time to time…(rarely anyway)
I often just break stuff around it,
Thou most of my purge locations are, throw away bases. I can load up important stuff run it outside base and drop it off in a chest or 7. XD
Ok the issue is target pieces like pic above it appears that the side walls on rock you can’t walk to it thus it spawn on/near that block thus this is not a bug in anyway I a person can look at base for days or weeks to and determine the best route but all outer part of base must be accessible otherwise it may pic a part that’s not and teleport. This is not a flawed system it’s the building system itself where most game base world on a square section build platform like fortnite and 7days to die Conan doesn’t thus the chance of this happening is easier and more likely but I’ve never had this happen on top of that the purge must choose where to spawn and how to get there so if you all notice the ai attacking the same area over and over that might indicate there is a issue getting to that area and the purge picks it’s target randomly so that will make it near impossible to ensure it never teleport in base. This feature was meant for spires builds on tall rocks as it was unfair advantage to those on ground but the ai has no way to determine the building types or reason it’s there. Nothing anyone can do to stop it except remove it and that won’t happen