Is this bannable?

No sense in denying private servers and solo experiences these limitations that are put in place due to Official servers’ ToS.

You can build there. You can’t stop people from passing by.

The “and” is hopefully critical here because blocking pathways shouldn’t mean anything unless you are blocking content. @Umborls …a note to future revisions of the ToS clarifications perhaps?


Banning people from building there would be the same as banning people from building in the Crevice. The Crevice (in forest by Mounds of dead) is also a pathway through the mountain. And the most popular base spot on map.

Maybe the ice cave also is bannable? If somebody live there and block it off, I can not go inside the ice cave to make a fireplace and take a break on my trip if I want… So yeah, ban…:woman_facepalming:t2:

Next thing is that all building is considered blocking off a area somebody maybe want to take a walk through. We all have to live in trees :sweat_smile: Oh no, maybe somebody want to climb that tree to enjoy the view, and its blocked with anti climb… -Ban!


This was in Sept. 2021 as well shortly after the new revamped ToC was released.

At that time you could request general information and you would often receive detailed responses for suspensions.

But it was very clear that blocking pathway, i.e., preventing players from moving through a heavily used path was the main concern. The base was quite built up and completely cut off access of both entryways. While there was a stairway that allowed players to go over, it was not considered of course and I understand why. I accepted the suspension and learned from it.

And yes, pathways are not included in the ToC. It has been recently pointed out by Community Support that the rules are being reworked for clarity.

Bit of a cop out though tbh, build anywhere is a server setting now.
If you cant build on official then dont allow it.
Otherwise people not on these forum which im sure there are many just get a random 30 day ban clueless and quit.
Easy enough im sure to implement, why risk the fallout?
If hadnt seen this post i wouldnt have been aware myself. Random ghost, and…


Your post at first appears to be nonsense, yet when you slow down and think about it…

…its absolutely correct.


This topic has been discussed ad nauseum on the forum for years now but yes, now if there is a build anywhere server setting for private servers and solo then there should be more focus on implemented true no build zones. Not leave it up to guesswork on officials and a lot of disgruntled suspended players.

The whole damn process is ridiculous. In order for you to even get an explanation you have to send in a ticket through “ban appeal” which isn’t even possible for suspensions. You’re not notified except for the next day message while trying to log on to an official server and the suspension information is incredibly vague. Even IF you send in a ticket now you will get a vague, copy/paste response that does not explain the reason for the suspension. To top it all off, there have been issues with unfair bans and threats in global chats to report, which prompted an addition regarding false reports back in August.

I’ve been involved in this discussion since the start of summer quite heavily and as I’ve pointed out to erjoh, Funcom is working on the ToC. They have also been communicating that they are working on ways to better communicate with the player base.

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Is this actually a sever setting on un modded privates as well? I wasn’t aware such a thing existed tbh
If so that’s really been the only come back those who are against making theses type of spots no build zones.

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you wonder why this game is so dead, you get banned for game mechanics.


Build anywhere on onmodded servers in ceative mode can do this according to info ive seen from mainly pvp so im not 100% on this.

Im sure someone can confirm…ill bow to our superior pve admins that will have a better take on this

What a load of crap. If its supposed to be a non-buildable area then make it one. Otherwise you should be able to build there. This game is so loaded with areas like that across both maps and I am tired of it. Why should anyone get a ban for building in a spot that allows foundations to be put down? Anything else is a lazy response. Its rather simple, if you don’t want supposed content blocked ( and this chest barely registers as that), then make it unbuildable! I am not going to guess what funcoms intentions are in every spot I go to build. I am not going to ask myself if blocking this rock or tree spawn is against the TOS!!! As to blocking the path, what a laugh! It takes 10 seconds to climb over!

BTW, I have never built in that spot.


Yes it is bannable. Why do poeple like to close passages? Would you like to go out of home one morning and find that someone built a home in just the middle of your street and you will have walk a longer way to where you want, or pass inside his new home, or even climb his roof

Well said :pray:t4:

With all do respect I can’t tell if you’re joking but in pvp, caves can be very good if built right and certainly sealed up.


ìn pvp i think there is no problem, unfortunately people tend to do it on pve and pve-c very often

Well, man lived in caves long before houses. Just a thought.

Yea no reason to do it on pve/c other then to be a cave man but I suppose regardless it is in fact bannable like most build spots
