So I bought the game on release and while I haven’t played it often I come back so I can enjoy it from time to time. I’ve been buying the DLC’s as and when they come out just to support the game and finally had a chance to sit down and sink my teeth in and enjoy, but I’m just so overwhelmed in the crafting UI BECAUSE of the DLC’s I picked up!
There are a number of problems and if I’m just not seeing the solution then I’m sorry, but it speaks to poor design if these things aren’t readily apparent; There’s no sorting by armour class, there’s no information before you craft weapons to tell you if it’s STR or AGI based, the search bar only looks up names, there’s very little information on the properties of items like armour bonuses or weapon bonuses, I’ve seen a move items prompt that lets me select how much I want to move without using split stack but I have no idea how I did it.
Going down the list of ideal solutions;
We need filters in the crafting menu for STR and AGI weapons as well as for classifications of weapons (swords, axes etc) we need filters for armour weight classes, and the DLC armour and weapons should be integrated into knowledge with the main equipment, we need a drop down in the search bars to switch between item names or item descriptions, and an inclusion of what the input for moving items between inventories in specific amounts even is.
Also started a new save and died to a sandstorm in a cave while fighting spiders wth.
There’s no reason why the crafting system is not more robust or user friendly at this point in time. They have had time to monetize the heck out of the game and add a bunch of stuff no one asked for, things that the game didn’t even need, but haven’t gotten around to making the UI any better. In fact in recent updates they made it worse. So much worse that I’ve rolled back my game to a much older, and more fun, version.
It’s mind boggling that all stats on weapons, armour, and other items aren’t shown to us since some items have plenty of stats and others just don’t. It’s especially heinous in the crafting menu because you have no idea what any armour or weapon actually does for you until after you craft it and look at the item. Even then the info is far more limited than it should be.
For years many of us asked for hot and cold resistance in the GUI to be changed to a numeric value instead of bars since each bar represents a range of possible values. 1-4 resistance is one bar, 5-9 is 2 bars, 10-14 is 3 bars, etc. This means if you have armour that’s got one bar it might be just 1 point of temperature resistance or it could be as many as 4 points. You don’t know approximately how much cold and heat resist you will have until you equip the entire set and even then it’s still just going to show you a few bars that give you a vague idea how much resistance you gain from it. This is just one example of many where they’ve failed to fix a very simple problem since early access started.
Welcome to Conan Exiles where you can pay hundreds of dollars for cosmetics but can’t survive a sandstorm while you’re hundreds of feet underground…
Sometimes you can find a spot that provides full “shelter” that will give you 100% sandstorm protection just by standing in the right spot near a cliff and sometimes being inside a building or underground won’t give you full “shelter” from it even when you should be completely protected. It’s just one of many buggy systems the game has had for a long time. Again, they had time to monetize the game and make loads of DLC and cosmetics but could not find the time to fix this stuff…
I enjoy the shelter system sometimes, being caught out when there’s a sandstorm and ducking under a rock is kind of neat and it doesn’t happen often enough to be a drag AND I can understand wanting to have a catch all solution that can be made and applied to every situation to save time in the future but my god you are right there should be more places where sandstorms and such just do not affect the player, or even just scrap it with how janky it continues to be even now.
Crafting with the crafting hammer is not bad. I have suggested such changes, and I’m not the only one. The stickyness was missing from the previous menu. It allows us to exit the menu and get back in where it left off. Those other options for sorting were there. For now, you can sort by weight or no sorting.
I don’t know how we got on to building in this topic tbh but I don’t dislike the hammer vs the old way (barely remember it it was so long ago in fairness) but most of the jank with building can be worked around I noticed that if you erase a wall in a structure to then replace with an entry way that it sometimes won’t let you place the entry way and you have to put the wall back and use the games replace feature to put an entry way there, apart from that though I don’t ask much from a building system and having wedge pieces that don’t just destroy whatever project you’re working on is nice other games it doesn’t work because the devs won’t sort the grids out.
dude I don’t own that game but I had a look after reading what you said but dear god that’s waaay beyond the scope of anything that should be necessary for a video game kudos for them for getting it in there and working that’s technically impressive but that’s intimidating man
The sandstorm is limited to only certain areas, it’s not hard to carry supplies that will let you build a quick shelter if you need one, and there’s an item that can be worn (toss it on when a sandstorm is coming) to protect you from sandstorms. It is not a bad system when it works as intended and I always felt it was mostly there just to make players move out of the newbie zones where it can happen.
The trouble is that in some places it just doesn’t work properly. You can be in a spot that should not provide enough cover to keep you 100% safe and yet it will. At other times you will be in places that should keep you 100% safe and it won’t such as when you are 50 to 100 feet underground and nowhere near the opening of the dungeon or cave you’re exploring. T he down side to being in a cave or dungeon is that you probably can’t slap up a quick building for protection since they’re generally “no build” zones.
I would argue though that irrespective of HOW it currently works if you’re getting murked in a spider cave deep underground it probably SHOULDN’T work that way, as for your mod god yes I’m using that
As someone who bought it so long ago and only played sometimes and I STILL agree with you, my only kind of bone I could throw them is if the idea was to monetize so you could build a budget to actually fund development for fixes and the like that don’t necessarily have an immediate turn around but unless they have stated that I think we have to default to just “don’t buy a promise” I think it’s more likely that they’re siphoning money from CE into their Dune project
Yeah, I have no doubt a lot of the cash they made from the battle pass and MTX shop has gone toward Dune. Probably part of the reason why they added it.
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. One thing i’ve always wanted and multiple times requested is the sorting showing only the items you can actually craft with the materals you have. Not just to highlight them but to remove the non-craftable from the list. But it’s Funcom, these kind of changes that would actually be helpful and useful won’t happen.They just change something pointless that nobody asked for and mess up the game even worse.
I’m pretty glad all the responses are pretty consistent I half expected some snobby elitism “nyet game is fine” but people aren’t just agreeing in here we’re bringing actual solutions to the forefront. It’s kind of weird that it IS worth commenting on but these things usually just devolve rapidly.
The intention of this is so that we can see everything as players from our perspective; bringing to light the reality of the players regardless of their hardware, mode, choice of play. If it helps the CE staff, great! But no, nothing and I didn’t expect any reaction from the company.
If we had something like the original Trello board being maintained then I wouldn’t have felt compelled to do this.
Anyway, yes, in this particular section of the forums it will lock after so many days. So I try to interact with and/or update at least once a week.