Issue Report: Inactivity During Finisher in Midnight Grove

During the exploration of Midnight Grove, while performing a finisher on an enemy, the character becomes immobile for a certain amount of time. An error message appears stating that the emote is unavailable or missing. To exit this state, it is necessary to press the “Use” key. Until then, the character can only move forward or backward but cannot use weapons or interact with anything. Even followers are unable to attack the enemy on which the finisher was attempted.

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Greetings @Dahaku ,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: NEW Bug Report Template

If you can, please, add screenshots as well where we can verify the reported behavior.

Thanks in advance!

This is an already reported bug:

Well, when I go to the instance again, I will do everything I can.

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