Couldn’t possibly be happier for you at the moment @Necro!! Savour the goodness my friend.
And yep, agree with the tune selection too. Nile is the undisputed go to for all things themed Stygian. Crack the invaders skulls and offer their hearts up to your god Set my brother as proof of your conquest.
My Brother!!!
Glad to see you are still alive and active on here man.
If I may be honest, in recent years I consider myself more of a Zath man than anything else…you know with our inclination towards the abyssal dark and all. Spiders just made sense XD
But my Necromancer tomb castle has long been wanting to expand towards the deserts with a Necropolis Pyramid for embalming, you know a place for the summer.
@Necro you too my dude!! I can’t leave; someone must remain and keep fighting for more Crom artifacts here on the forum.
Quite alright and certainly understandable. And I do find Zath’s shrines, armor, and particular his avatar to be downright cool.
And monotheism never hurt one either. Especially those of us who wish to experience all the game has to offer. But to celebrate your new found transition from Set guy to Zath guy, please enjoy this image from my native Australia.
Caution: members who regard themselves as arachnophobes should not view this image. You have been fairly warned.
One of our deadliest spiders eating one of our deadliest snakes.
Red Back? Australian version of the Black Widow? As I understand, our Black Widow is considered worse. Surprisingly, we got Australia beat in at least one deadly critter.