Jailor armour alternative

Greetings fellow Exiles and Islanders.

For those of us who have been enjoying island life, we are already familiar with Thrall Cages and the Jailours who hold the keys for them. For those only on the Exiled Lands, the cages use a specific key that is a guaranteed drop from enemies called Jailors

Mean guys, gold border health bar, wearing Silent Legion Heavy armour, actually push overs, use pirate dialogue.

Now, this one sincerely hopes that as Thrall Cages require a specific key, that the Jailours who drop it also are imported. Otherwise it would just be cruel and wasteful.

The issue is, Jailours are both sorta easy prey, and drop Silent Legion Heavy armour. This is a suboptimal arrangement.

This one has a suggestion, and considering what is coming, this one thinks it may be the best time to get an edit in.

There are several armours that are part of the base game that we don’t see in use much if at all.
Hyrkanian Raider and Stygian Soldier to be specific.
Either of those seem like an excellent choice to give the Jailours. It will keep them distinct, but also cut back on weenies dropping Silent Clucking Legion armour.

Thank you for your consideration.


I loaded up my defense and found they are worthy. Without the dye, you’ll have to zoom into faces to tell who is who.

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The Jailours on Siptah don’t wear helmets, so this one imagines any armour swaps would follow that trend. But the Hyrkanian Raider helm does make a good torturer mask.

Jailors are the only source of Silent Legion Heavy armor on Siptah, unless you win the RNG lottery and get a recipe from fragments (I don’t know if it’s even possible).

That said, that makes the Silent Legion Heavy the most common armor on Siptah, which is ridiculous. I’m dumping loads into the dismantling bench, for Ishtar’s sake.

So yeah, I’d like to see some variety in jailor fashion.

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Gray One pools, use silent legion statuettes.
They drop all weights between the three foes summoned.

That said, on Siptah, who gives a cluck, that’s low tier gear by island standards and the temperatures never get to the extremes of the Giant King’s old empire.

But in the Exiled Lands it’s just a bit more beefy and would devalue the Black Keep significantly.


They removed the RNG lottery system with fragments. Now it is 30 or so fragments to get all scrolls.

Kapoteeni is talking about schematic fragments, not relic fragments. Five schematic fragments per scroll. Two hundred possible scrolls, and as far as I know it is still RNG. But there is no scroll for heavy Silent Legion.

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Ah. My error.

Thanks for the additional information.

I would like to take this opportunity to suggest that we outfit them with the ‘Mad Jailor’ armor, from Monty Python’s Life of Brian. :wink: Behold.



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