Jhebbal Sag, final religion?

So I watched the last stream (kinda late, yeah I know) , and I heard Jens introducing Jhebbal Sag as the “final” religion.

I must admit that disturbed me a bit, as this can be a sign that the game won’t see much content besides cosmetic DLC’s, therefore, the game longevity won’t be so long. :frowning:

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Should watch the latest interview. Sorcery was just announced as the next big thing to come down the pipeline.


Nice, but sorcery was expected, now no more religions, that can be something bad.

Well, I wouldn’t say expected as the last official word we had on it was that sorcery was delayed at best, and that was back in February. There was no guarantee we were going to get it, so was a very nice surprise to hear it’s coming, at least for me. Still, the road map that Joel talked about in the interview extends into next year. I’m going to guess we still have at least another year of active development. My hope is the DLC’s continue to do well and we get an expansion :smiley:

I am fine with it. We don’t want to really have like 20+ gods really.

Yeah, I only hope they keep working on the game, and really do whats in the roadmap to keep the game alive, but I fear after sometime we get only cosmetic DLCs as another Conan game is being made.

No need for 20, but there are more important deities that wouldn’t hurt to have, Bel, Bori, Hanuman, Ishtar, Xotli, Zath to name a few.

We have only 5 (excluding Crom since he has no effect on the game).

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That would be 11 gods already. And if there are even as you said to name just a few, that would be alot of gods.

I would rather leave the gods at the nice number we have now with this new religion and them completely focus on getting the mounts and sorcery and other future dungeons and content, map extensions, stuff like that before I would want another god shrine.

Nice number? Lol, I get it you dont like Gods, thats ok.

Its not just a God shrine, its content, see the addition of Jhebbal Sag, it came with a new dungeon, Gods are a strong part in Hyboria, having more of them in CE means more of everything, from mounts to sorcery.

Just because they may not add more religions doesn’t mean no new content. They can continue to add dungeons. There are black holes in some caves for example that could become dungeon entrances. Or add more porting n p c or make dungeon entrances at ruins.

Well you don’t have to have a new god for each new dungeon. You don’t need to get a new god every content update or whatever reason.

Gods are cool but having to many will just clog it all down. You have to think of balancing issues for PVP and not just add stuff in cause it looks cool.

For “Gods” sake both of you, im not saying only Gods brings content to the game, I just stated that Jhebbal Sag being the final religion its just too premature, the game just launched couple months ago,I thought religion was going to have an important role in this game as they do in Conan hq/movies, having more options is never a bad thing.

I was worried because if there won’t be anymore Gods, when Sorcery, Mounts and maybe a Setlement System if we’re lucky comes to happen, the game won’t see new stuff besides Cosmetic DLC’s, but I guess you don’t care about that because at that point you will look at another game.

You’re worried with balance? There are ppl asking for more levels and more tiers of weapon, THAT is what ruins balance.

Anyway, you have your opinion, I respect that, its all right, no need to continue this discussion, I made this thread to see if someone could confirm what Jens said about Jhebbal being the final God is true, only that.

Don’t quote me on this, but I think this being the final God (and I think it is, but the first and only time I heard it was from the same source you did) it wraps up their total of Gods they set out to do from the very beginning. I recall there was an article where they had a set number of Gods they wanted to do before they were done with adding Gods. I did try and find that article but I didn’t have very much luck (it’s probably one of the older blogs/newsletters). If my hunch is true, then I suspect they reached the number they set out to do.

Could they add more? I won’t speak on Funcom’s behalf but I suspect that as long as the game continues to be funded by DLC’s (expansions?) then maybe they would continue to add more religions (along with whatever else).

You are right, they did what they planned, and thats good, and it really doesnt mean no more can be added depending how the game goes.

Im pretty sure, if the game lives and last for a good time, with the addition of more content they can add more, lets hope so, if not…” then the hell with them”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering gods are completely useless and needed to all hell, you might as well not have any in the game. They need to return to the nukes they used to be.

Sorcery, pets, religion, but no bug fixes. That sounds about par for the course.

Have you ever opened the Admin panel in a single player game? If you wish to spawn an item, the items are grouped into 4 categories, resources, gear, building, and other.

Here’s the thing… All new DLC content falls under the other category. It doesn’t matter if it is a new weapon or foundation block, all are under the other category. This is a kind of tell… It indicates a little bit about Funcom’s methods. They created categories, filled them, then later added to the last bucket regardless.

To me, this means they planned for 6 gods originally. In a perfect world, all 6 would have made launch. Life and programming are never perfect. We ended up with 4.5 gods (one was not finished till later patches). So in the same sense, Funcom saying last religion simply means last religion planned for the initial release. We may get more at a later date, but this is the last of the core 6.

Indeed they should, after all its “God Avatars”, and the farming for it takes some time. But there were a lot of crying babies about them being op, then FC nerfed them to the ground being useless… -_- People should build smart to avoid Gods, or just farm protection since Gods must be farmed aswell.

Makes sense, lets just hope they manage to finish the polishing so the game don’t die and we have more content besides DLC’s.

More gods means more balancing issues. Unless they make every recipe in the shrines static across all Gods.

I can see 10 gods only being apart of this world for pvp. Any more and you run into the risk of having some gods be more easier to get then other(like Derketo atm) and then it is no longer a I really like Set so I will have a Set shrine for my pvp base. It will turn into this god only need stone to make zeals. And boom that is how metas are born.

Then everyone on pvp servers will just USE that 1 type of god.

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