Killed while in cave system by walking - "Dead" zone - Reproduced more than 10 times

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1579
Mods: ‘none’

Bug Description:

Killed in cave when ‘walking’ in a specific area - have video - similarly to walking into or touching Green Wall.

Bug Reproduction:

Just walking into the area - reproduced easily more than 10 times - Multiple players. Gear unrecoverable, but you can see your body.
Thank you. Please contact for restore of lost gear.

That will never happen and is part of the ToC.

The dead spots are known and Funcom claims to have fixed one and maybe others. No further communication on the matter.

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Perhaps without responses like this - This community would be able to hold those responsible to higher level of player services and care. Proper investigation of the incident (what would a reasonable person/player conclude) showing the emersion has been destroyed at no fault by the player and NOT INTENDED “Gameplay” should result in REAL action that benefits the player or at the very least restores confidence by resetting the player from last save - Incremental Backup - Can you say “Server Log”… A conversation with someone that has the ability to correct the resulting outcome would be better than this crap. Looks like a paid contractor just surfing the forum adding content looking like “community support”…sus… Not that I expect a response that contributes to the players that actually play. 3200+ hours - No Grease! :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Funny - Where did it happen? Please send the video “here”. What other players experienced the issue? None of that…LOL Reporting - Working as intended… what a joke.

Further more - I have been playing pretty much since release. My gamer group and I have come to accept what we like to call “Getting Conan’d” with many aspects of the game which didnt warrant “reporting”. We adapt to these issues and avoid them when ever possible. So many little things we could list. 3 topics in 7 seven years. Not too bad in my opinion. The huge influx of Rust players at one point which resulted in Hackers basically taking over the servers, less of a problem now it would seem - Reported (quite emotionally tbh) - This topic - And one other. Metrics - Hard to make an assessment… Give me a break Bro.

Yeah, listen - reading your replies I’m pretty sure you’ve completely misunderstood Kikigirl’s post. You’re complaining about lack of response about hackers to the person who has probably fought longer and harder against hackers (in terms of trying to get Funcom to respond) than any other player. (And note that final word - Kiki is a player not a representative of Funcom - it’s hard to be sure given how it is written, but you appear to be accusing her of being some sort of paid representative.) Nothing she wrote to you was an attempt to justify or excuse anything - she simply passed on a couple of facts about the situation to try to save you time/show you that others are in the same situation.

Funcom won’t respond at the weekend - Kiki simply tried to explain the situation to save you wasting energy trying to get your character back.

As for the ‘dead zones’ - if you search the forums, you’ll find threads trying to pull together information on all locations (in which Kiki has been an active participant) - you may also spot the bit in the latest hotfix patch notes where Funcom claim to have ‘fixed’ this issue - and numerous requests from players asking which spots have been fixed, and pointing out several that don’t seem to have been. Since the hotfix there has been no communication from Funcom on the issue.

Perhaps I’m wrong about what you are trying to say - in which case I apologise - but it certainly looks like you are just blaming a player who tried to offer you some information on the situation.


This :point_up_2:.
Don’t get us wrong @Hawks_Born, Kiki does not need our “help”. She can take care of you very easily, both in forum combat and probably gaming combat. But you just serve the purpose of her efforts in here years now.
She shout for better communication!
She shout for better treatment!
She shout for better and fair gaming environment on official pvp servers!
She lost her teammates from unfair bans!
So Kiki is nothing else but on your side in this one.
Enter the “family” and join the cause. Yes, we are family here and very proud for it, join us!


I asked for assertions in mods about velocity, The reaction was… “retaliatory”? :thinking:

Pure Excellence here boy - wow.

What in the hell is this?

Yeah, listen (to the text)

“Don’t hold me accountable to my jacked up interpretation of what I “feel” I read.”

Epic job.

Come on…

Whoa whoa whoa.

I condensed a lot of information in 3 summarized sentences and if you would have taken a few minutes out of your time to use the search function then you would have been able to corroborate what I said.

Additionally, if you had actually read the Terms of Conduct, Guidelines and Procedures then you would know that Funcom does not return gear. It is your responsibility as a player that chose to go on Officials to at least have read it. Now whether or not it is fair and well understood is an entirely different matter; read the hundreds of posts about it, use the search function.

@DanQuixote is correct, Funcom does not work on weekends. It’s a known fact. So not only am I not a paid contractor (laughable), if you’d use that search function with my name you’d know how much disdain I have for the company for the hacking situation, handling of the game, lack of communication, poor handling of bug and Zendesk reports, et al. Or simply stumbled on them because I am an active member of the forum.

You’re correct here that I’m not playing as I uninstalled the game recently. However I have 7k hours primarily Official PVP. We’ve probably crossed paths at some point since you’re reporting issues on an East coast server.

Either way, you’re more likely to receive a response from the playerbase (me and the other contributors who’ve commented so far) than a response from FunCrom. Tomorrow a community moderator will mark your report received and MIGHT ask you for further information. This is a forum dude, not your personal line to Funcom.

Rust is not the reason why there’s hackers. Money, revenge, sadism and lack of care from Funcom is.

Thanks for the laugh though, enjoyed it with my first cup of coffee. But perhaps take a deep breath and use the tools available to you before railing against people in the same position.


Why would I care about another “player” and their involvement with a topic they have Zero (effectively) ability to correct? SO what. I’ve read the forums… The little exposure here only demonstrates what can be easily chalked up to - Pointlessness. At the same time it’s interesting to see these responses, from what Im actually reading, much has been “done”. Has it though? Action takes Months. For the individual player…Hell no. “reporting” system…yeah, No its not…

Are you ok? :rofl: Im mean if you’re looking for a reach around or something, Im sure someone out there will help you out. ESL seems to be strong here. Not their fault. Not sure what you are trying to say about serving - bud… Activity does not equal Effectiveness “player”.

Not a Dev, Support staff (Is there such a thing :nerd_face:), kick rocks. Really.

But if im wrong, I apologize…

I know you’re mad about the situation but this is uncalled for.

Losing your gear to a clearly unacceptable bug isn’t a reason to get angry at the regulars on the forums; especially to one of the most kind and welcoming individuals.

You cannot control who responds. You cannot demand that Funcom only respond and meet your demands immediately. It does not work that way regardless of their proven track record of barely meeting basic QA and communication standards.

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This is a time-frame reference. Guess having the pulse of the player base on multiple servers isn’t common. Unless you are on a forum? Do a little in-game social engineering? No? 7k hours? You’ve had to be aware due to your apparent heavy involvement here on a forum - one would think this would be a good assumption. There again, maybe not.

Clan ninjas - Classic example. They talk too much…Personality/Age type player…

I don’t believe Devs actually play the game…The word “Why” is
uttered in game So often. its not about “you”. But since you think it is…

Am I conveying an emotion through text? Nothing better to do Player. ExPlayer* my bad…

Working in a pseudo support role 101 - Can I fix the issue? Nope. Can I direct this person to someone who can? Nope. = Stay out of it or you own it. Escalate to management - not mad bro - pushing the system requires making noise. You always have a choice to NOT get involved. Or do you? Who are you to say what’s uncalled for? Not liking something doesn’t mean shit. Direct communication… not really where I would think it should go - you are just the person on the other end, you made your choice. Here we are. Paying customers - Customer Service Provided - There needs to be higher standard. Blame probably lies with Transient. Similarly to Activision and Blizzard - Into the toilet. Funcom has to ask permission to wipe their own ■■■■■. The simplest of game related recovery and restoring functions - nah bro thats silly. “Put that in the ToC” 10-4 Go it. CYA 101.

When you use a reference you often have to be a bit more explanatory. Using it solely as a time reference is one thing, inferring that the REASON is because of Rust, which was the meat of your comment, isn’t the truth. Considering that most of the known hackers don’t play Rust or have had any commitment to it XD. There is a power inherent in context. I could get into all the little nuances with it all if you’d like. Yes, 7K hours, years of experience almost solely Official PVP and have wiggled my way into the “know”. Damned straight I know a bit about the subject.

I agree, at least for any that make decisions anyway. They’d have to play all game modes and spaces for some time to understand everything. Specifically for the dead zones you cannot replicate it in Single Player; I am not sure for Privates but absolutely can be replicated on Officials. Funcom doesn’t test on live servers and even admitted that they don’t review infractions from Zendesk reports against other players on live servers. IMO unacceptable and ridiculous.

None of us are working in a support role. You misunderstand what all of us are here for. No one has claimed they can fix this problem. This is a place, while you did write an incomplete bug report (which cave? where’s the video?), is where discussions with any player who has an account happens.

Then you went on to assume that you’d get your gear back. It does SUCK. Should you get your gear back? I think so for any situation where an unacceptable bug happens. But they simply do not refund or replace gear. Full stop.

You insulted a member of the community with your implications. That was all you and anyone reading it that knows better would agree with my assessment.

The rest of your comment is a lot of word salad that doesn’t make sense. Which is ironic coming from someone that clearly has trouble with people that have a skill such as ESL.

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Well yeah, I do. Probably Translator Software - Still…

Dont pretend you aren’t one of those persons who cant help hyper focusing on misspelled words, when convenient redirects the topic of, perhaps touchy, discussions with emotional(?) text. Oh wait…

It could just be a mitsake… … :aaaaaa:

Guess you missed my out - Gunna need some boots…
following the community’s example.

Ok Capt. Forum - :exploding_head: Which one of us is the dentist?

Took 13 posts people, but we got there. Such a win… :zzz:

I think you qualify as a Level 1 operator at this point. You can make tickets…actually assigning them to the correct group though? Man, good luck.

Obviously you Are doing enough Capt Forum. Well, you used to play so that matters…You are in the know. Definitely makes a noticeable difference. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :poop:

Ahh I see.

You’d be the type that would be legit killed and raided and cry. Probably did cross paths :smiling_imp: :heartpulse:

If only there was way to increase the population of the server…Hmmm.

Hey - I have an Idea… :rofl: :aaaaaa:

Perhaps, perhaps not - remember you uninstalled the game broski… Never know for sure now. Define Legit? Online/Offline is that the extent of your insinuation? Getting Raided is only an invitation. Nice try though. Free your inner warrior Player. We understand. Doesn’t make a difference to me either way. Sorry Ex-Player…again my bad.

Have fun dying in random spots, ciao :kissing_heart:

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Thats just mean man…Where’s the empathy… :skull_and_crossbones:

Well, Chinese razorblade fur coat to you too !

Greetings Hawks_Born!
Thank you for reaching out to us.

In order for our team to properly assess your issue, could you please send us the video you have about it? Additionally, if the video does not reveal the exact location on the map, please send us a screenshot of this location.

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

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