Lack of server moderation

I want to make this apparent because it would seem that little care is given to the people who play this game! Why when it states in the funcom rules that meshing is a banable offence and when you give your players the option to make you aware of this that no one does anything? Me and my partner have had to come on after days of grinding and building to a base that was meshed into before raid hours even begun by a team who’s 6 players more than us! We should not have to feel like we never want to play the game again because jobs of regulating the servers and enforcing the rules are just being ignored

Taemien i already did hours ago and it’s not the first report I have had to make I made one 3 days ago about another issue and not a single thing has been done haven’t heard a single thing from support to the point I’ve had to come and state it publicly in a forum just for some sort of moderation to say something

File your report there with evidence of the rules being broken.

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