Spent a bit of time on the forums when we were just new, mainly because we wanted to know what was allowed and wasn’t allowed building wise (which we never really found out because some rules leave a lot of room for interpretation).
It’d be a lot easier if the maximum amount of building pieces was lowered considerably: per the rules you can’t affect the server negatively, but if you were to build anything using the maximum amount of building pieces… (at our highest, I think we were slightly over half of what is allowed).
We had fun on our server. Made new friends. Survived multiple waves of hackers/cheaters (who immediately reappear with new accounts). For the last 2 months, we didn’t play much but mostly kept the timers up on our main base. Was our 1 thrall/wheel base outside of seper blocking a tree from spawning? Did a rival clan mass report our main for negatively impacting the server? (there’s bigger bases on the server) We’ll never know. Why not give a warning/message so players could remove whatever is offending? There’s one cheating clan that reappears every few weeks; no matter how many reports, not once were they removed.
It’s a good game. We enjoyed it (and the pvp) far more than Ark. So long as no one’s cheating pvp feels good and fair. But the large amount of cheaters around and the arbitrary policing are a big downside. It’s not leaving us very confident in Dune.
Yea you can build almost anywhere u til you run across a vengeful or sadistic clan that wants you out. Then they blast funcom until you get wiped it seems. For example, every server ive been on , pve, pvec, pvp, someone is always built in the gutter. Yet a clan gets pissy, floods funcom and once in a while they ban someone for building in it. Its completely stupid since the ones reporting it then grab the decay base and the loot and build in it themselves.
Sounds like you discovered the newest PvP meta, report abuse! The moderation policies of Funcom, combined with the horrible lag from official servers, make them an undesirable play destination for the more informed and sensible. If you want to try a private server that doesn’t ban except for cheating, you’re welcome to join us:
They do it, the funcom, irresponsibly and idiotly. It’s not just in pvp pve either. Imagine that you have even built it somewhere that can be interpreted, communication with us, customers, payers should exist. But no! It’s an irresponsible sadist who makes this wonderful game in. A comedy. And in fact, clans flood with accusations that don’t even fit but sadistic eases, instead of interpreting and when in doubt, interacting with the customer, they simply do this stupid action