Lag issues since updates

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

Hey everyone. Great game and updates to boot!

One issue that ive seen so far though, is that since the update anytime I look at a door, box, or other item that brings up a interaction option the game lags pretty bad. It happens almost every time.

Not sure what it is.



What you (we) are experiencing on PS4 after the last update is stuttering, total freeze of the image for a brief or longer period of time, clearly the problem here is the PS4 HD (which unfortunately is trash) not working correctly with the game, or better the game not optimized to work correctly with the PS4 HD / GDDR.
So is not lag, lag is when you walk on a point of the map and all of the sudden you are on another point, or back to the previous spot (rubber band) or when there is a delay between the input and action really happening, with no graphics flow interruption.
We made clear to Funcom all of our frustration about the issue in several occasions, check the forum for past threads about it.
Their answer is that they are aware of the problem and working on it, when and if the problem will be fixed remain unanswered though.


all along I just assumed that was my internet causing the screen to momentarily freeze then see my guy at the bottom of the cliff. You think its the playstation side that does it?

No, your internet connection has nothing to do with it, as we all are affected by the problem, someone more someone less, according to the structures/items they deal with.
As I wrote, is the game and its particulare “evolving” system that is not optimized for the PS4, I do believe they have lot of space for improvement, all is part of the “green” nature of the game, a game that basically is not finished at all.

If you want a quick fix of the problem and your pockets are really deep or the love for the game make it worthwhile, change your PS4 HD with an SSD (solid state drive). You can find plenty of guides on the internet to do so.
Note : the process will void your PS4 warranty

I have an original day 1 release on my PS4 warranty will never be an issue. I am definitely going to look at this SSD conversion though. thanks for the tech tip @Clowns

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And I’d like to point out as well, that when this happens playing online (because it happens offline in single player as well) a fair amount of this issue is to blame to server performance that sums up to the HD latency transmitting the data required.
Surely every game played on the PS4 benefits from the SSD upgrade, CE is one of those games that benefit the most from this (delayed texture and sound streaming, huge amount of costume data from players building and items, etc)

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