Awesome! It was leaked that with the first chapter of Age of Heroes we can earn phenomenal XXL arrows for our bows in Conan Exiles. Ones like this …
… Crom’s toothpicks!
Phew-phew-phew! (And now everyone’s dead.)
Awesome! It was leaked that with the first chapter of Age of Heroes we can earn phenomenal XXL arrows for our bows in Conan Exiles. Ones like this …
… Crom’s toothpicks!
Phew-phew-phew! (And now everyone’s dead.)
Whelp…at least it wasn’t a ballista bolt.
We’re gonna need a bigger shield.
Oh, that is so sick.
I like it.
Unfortunately this one did not get the screenshot of a thrall shooting maces out of their crossbow a few months ago.
But this is actually an already existent, but very difficult to pull off feature.
If you look very closely, you can kind of see a shield in all of the watermarks.
Only the demonstration bow needs more volume.
Surely some foul sorcery is behind this witchcraft
(Hi Arcanist, welcome back to the forums. I know you’re here)
Hey, people requested thrall-crewed siege engines, and better thrall archers. So why not combine the two?
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