Game mode: [ Select one: (Online official | Online private | Single-player | Co-op)]
Type of issue: [ Select one: Crash | Bug | Performance | Other ]
Server type: [ Select one: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE ]
Region: [ Please enter your server region ]
Hardware: [ Please specify what model of PS4 or 5 you’re using ]
Bug Description:
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Steps to Reproduce:
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- (etc)
*PS4 private pve server isle of siptah
*Shows as EU server but it is actually American and owner thinks this is just a bug also
*Restarts every day so that’s not the issue
*While farming the western spider dungeon ( demeans of the demon spiders), the legendary key chests act like they are empty no matter how you click on them.
*Yes I have plenty keys on me and yes I am level 60.
*Another player also tried and verified he could not open them either
*Have not tried other dungeons as this is my closest.
*Been trying for two days after a break from the game. Done 7 run throughs so far.
*It was happening prior to my absence too but I didn’t need to check them at the time as much since I always forgot my keys so couldn’t say if it was all the time or not