Title says it all. Instead of making the player rely on janky rng for their thralls let us invest stats where we want. At least that way the thralls can be purpose built for tasks. As it stands the thralls you’re leveling system creates are crap. Like stupidly terrible. My level 7 fighter has more accuracy and agility than my level 7 archer. And why would I want 17 in my fighters survival but 3 in strength? This is laughably bad design. Pls funcom do away with the random stat generator which is absolutely horrible and let us build our thralls the way we want.
i like this suggestion , but again …pvp comes into play and now we all have this terminators. which wouldnt be bad gameplay lol…but we also could sit on the side lines like we do now and eat popcorn and watch.
i suggest they fix the RNG table that each " class" pools from
fighters get fighter stats and archers remain archers with those stats.
i leveled up 6 snowhunters and each one got archer perks… frustrating when i really just want ONE bodyguard with me . the rest can get whatever…in this case all my fighters have received archer perks so im still working on getting that good fighter built.
i hope they dont feel this is content…cause it is frustrated to keep doing this over and over again.
hope they fix it
Restricting the pool for each classes table is an excellent idea. It would prevent you’re first point to some extent and ensure balance much better than would be achieved if left up to the player. I prefer this suggestion over my own I haven’t hit high enough with my thrall yet to get a perk but here’s hoping it’s not geared toward archery
i am testing stuff now kinda with the thralls, i always had a 2 handed sword on them, they got archer perks.
so i tried a different route, and use sword and shield, first perk on the 7th snowhunter thrall got robust, ill take that over an archery perk any day…fingers, legs, eyes crossed for good luck!
your idea is not bad , its just that with the way we min/max, we would take all the same perks, there would not be any diversity. but i would like to but the perks i want on my thralls , i think that would be fun.
but i kinda like some are more heartier or agile then the next , kinda gives them their own personality.
right now it feels like …" hey we know your a front line fighter…but lets just give you better bow skills…" cause whatever…were tired.
i wonder how many designers went to cooking school but they are making games now…
Na its fun as it is, its fun that the tralls live ther one Life and develope independent. But what needs to ad is more spec (random) Weppons and armor skills.
What we need is to bring the system to the crafting tralls to.
Na if you are abler to controle the build youtresel it will only be a stupid and boring powerbuildings. To mutch Control. An if the trall become good at the bow whay not just use it as a bowmen?
Total war is a good exampe on boring powergaming whit ther generals skills, was alot more fun developmets b4 you was forsed to pick the skills!
sometimes in my build i only want " archer " thralls on that side.
and on the ground in front of the gate i want fighter thralls.
the way they have it now , and my luck with the RNG perks with them, i should just put cooks near my gate that have bows…makes no sense to me .
take away the titles fighter , archer then. and make all thralls generic UNTIL they level up and you know what type of thrall you end up with.
fighters fight and archers shoot. stop making me feel backwards lol
Yes and that is perfect, thenyou have to figer what to put them to optimise the defens.
A well we can do as Cynn pointed out and remove the Fighter /Archer tag and its no longer a problem fo anyone.
Farm thralls till you get your ideal. Then you can have it all with no compromise on point buy! Glass half full.
Well now that thralls are getting nerfed they could revamp the perk and leveling system for them. I’m really glad the game is changing focus to the player than the thrall.
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