Well, completely derailed as I typed the topic and was suggested “Lets talk about Boobs” in the side bar, exciting.
Just kidding, I find camels to be much more exciting. Hi, hello, bonjour, nice to see you all again, I’m sure you missed me. I’m kind of afraid to come here anymore since my name was stolen and you’ll all be trying to kill me in Chapter 3.
Anyway, thanks for the lovely birthday present coming with chapter three. Golems? Sweet! New Turian stuff? Hooo momma! Taking my name and making it into the first major lore boss of the seasons, thats pretty cool too (do it, make um look like me too it’ll give you the excuse to model my beard and sell it in the bazaar, and I can finally end my campaign of figuring out how to bring up getting more beard variety in this game whenever I come here.)
To the point, Camels! I am so so so so so so so sox110^53 hype for some camel skins, (look i’ve been really behaving, i didnt even make a fuss about having to wait to use the toilet I bought) but can we get rideable camels too? I’m not much of a programmer and I’m not going to pretend to understand how one would go about it, but it’d make me really happy and I’m sure others would enjoy seeing a little more variety in mount species even if its functionally just a horse. Some big shaggy bactrians (its endangered, lets immortalize those handsome sobs), maybe a red camel, khoblochis might not have gone extinct yet, heck I’d even take a cama for s&gs. I like camels more than horses … and we have a longer history with them!
Continuing on with my pseudo rant of camel suggestions, we really need a wall placeable thats in effect a “No Camel Punching” sign. We can get sentenced to the exiled land for punching camels, Conan punches camels, and I think we all agree punching camels is bad. This would be a big fat home run for me!
Anyway thanks for continuing this epic adventure for us to enjoy together, haters gonna hate, I’m like 80% pleased with the changes (seasons, battle pass, bazaar etc) and just wanna see more magnificiant even toed ungulates in our game!