Hoping to shine some light in this topic so some course of action can be taken, what’re your guys thoughts on this item. Mainly for PVP players due to the fact that there’s basically nothing that can be done when the sword is given to an OP thrall during raids/pvp. They need to change the one hit property for thralls or should be inequitable for them. All someone has to do is farm for it without much effort making it annoying for new servers when dealing with OG clans cause they’re untouchable…anyways post your thought on the matter I’m curious to see input.
its already nerfed
If you’re referring to the damage nerf it’s still a one shot to players by thralls so
I think it’s meant as a PVE and single player item IMO. Making the drop rate low does not mean if you grind hard you will not get it so to make it fair for PVP I think they should remove it. But only in PVP.
My 2 cents.
It’s op, but I have this idea in PvE, PvE-Conflict.
Seriously is SO different in PvP when instead of Crom Sword is an Adventurer’s Blade ?
3 days of grinding, have 35 relic fragments and 2 God eye, all worth it. But gave the sword to my thrall.
Pretty fun being on pve c, all my thralls have legendary weapons.
sadly, they have to think about both pvp and pve. sometimes the pve players suffer due to changes related to pvp, sometimes is the other way around. the sword of crom being at 96 damage modified is ok with me. when it was 127, it was too much.
does it one shot players in heavy armor? havent tested but if everyone runs around in darfari nakedness then the thralls will indeed oneshot them
I wouldn’t mind it disappearing because I don’t need it for pvp as I don’t Carr for thralls either (a scrub tool) but yea pve or farming its useful but OP and annoying for PVP players
It’s not a necessity for pve or farming, a strong throw I heavy armor and a 2H weapon is all you need to kill anything in the game
Sword of the adventurer, what’s good about it, high dmg? I currently use serpentman war hammer or teliths sorrow
Also heavy armor isn’t viable in pvp, if you use it you’re sheep and will be killed every time by good players
Yup, was smacking great red mother with the sorrow, did fine
the new dungeon is much harder, maybe the future content would be as well.
still, i hate when changes due to the current pvp meta affect the whole player base.
The difference in terms of dmg between Sword of Crom and Adventurer’s one it’s almost the same between Adventurer’s one and Telith Sorrow
Yea it’ll forever be that way unfortunately just like balancing consol vs pc, the sword just using needed for thralls is all, a named thrall with a sorrow or legendary weapons can do anything so
Blade of the adventurer is strong but still not impossible to fight against in pvp, the one hit property should only be granted to players because they can be punished for missing
can Blade of the Adventurer one shot darfari players too?
Pretty much like the sorrow before it was nerfed
Well, obviously it depends on how you build your character, but if a Sword of Crom simply one shot you, Adventurer’s Blade gives you what, one more hit of life ?
In any case I agree, SoC is intended to do just one swing, so if it’s not possible to reply the property on thralls it has to be unequippable for them.
Using it in the way all of us are doing it’s just as using an exploit.