Level 61 on official server

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Can you get to that level on official or is someone cheating?


Could be a rare bug. I remember a while back there was a bug going around where alot of people were stuck on level 59 and couldnt actually hit level 60. Maybe its something like that, keep an eye on them see if they’re level 62 tomorrow lol.

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The only time I pulled anything like that off was in Single Player when I used an admin command to manually raise my level. Crazy enough I found my character at level 68 instead of 60.
I could have probably done the same thing on the server I rented and administered.

But if that’s on an official server, you can pretty much bet someone used a cheat or managed to hack the admin password.
Without asking any questions: take a screenshot of the one who is at that level and submit it to the zen-desk.
Again: Ask no questions and say nothing to anybody on that server.

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This game has a lot of potential but it’s been hacked since the beginning and the developers don’t do anything about it, I’m almost thinking it’s them doing it on puerpose

While cheating is not out of the realm of possibility, level 61 is also a bug like Nester pointed out.

Reading past bug reports it looks like it doesn’t give the person any benefit either, they’re missing points for it anyway.

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