Limit Foundations and Cornerstone by Players / Guild

So, after all the map abusing you also want people to be back blocking bosses and ruining the paths inside there ??

thats absurd…

Also those limits u talking about are very basics,
does not concern the suggestion i made

Works for who have those kinds of castles right?

Who says that is who is afraid for their absurd buildings, simple like that,
they even admit it here

Nobody needs so many buildings, also i never mentioned that
it pleases those few dominants and make alot of new players run away from the game, and that nobody sees because they are not playing anymore,

the proof of that is when the game fills of players on free-weekends and 1 week later they are 95% gone

That is an hell of an limit, with an limit so big like that i think
that was going to change nothing, but still its already something
for the absurds ive been seeing on the servers i play…

I thought more something around 3000 - 5000 by player,
but making it smaller for guilds, not simple multiplying, like 20k …
because of what u said… guilds live all together anyway on the main base…

Also… limiting foundations is limiting ONLY foundations, not walls and other things, just to be clear, with this amount of foundations still anyone could to alot