Limited Challenges are terrible

I wouldn’t mind to have something like it, yet i know lots of people who enjoy the battle pass idea and it gives them reason for playing. Other than that, (it will be my third time and last i hope) why is it a problem to just play regularly and unlock.
What’s the difference if you’re going to obtain these items now or in a week?
The way it is now encourage the regular standard gaming and not, the chapter visitors of the game.
Don’t get me wrong, i do respect the chapter visitors, i am not better than them, there are people who play lots of games in the row, not just Conan exiles.
Whatever makes them happy, who am i to tell otherwise, but it’s not something big to play 10 hours total in a week and gain the whole battle pass.
The way it is now it makes sense, it’s correct. Don’t push devs to make changes in correct things, let them have less to focus and change.

I do challenges to accomplish the task, not in it for the cookie.
It’s not the destination it’s the drive.

The journeys are especially bad about the reward not being worth the effort; at all, but I still have all but one done.

The battle pass isn’t about the reward, never has been. It’s all about butts in seats, player count. But hey you want to spend the croms you can get it all with out the grind.

I’m in it for the cookie. I will freely admit that. But so help me Funcom if you DO finally figure out a way to stop us from speedrunning your battlepass I will never buy another one.

Because I know you’re right Deacon, it is all about butts in seats. We are being treated like pigeons in a Skinner box, taught to keep pecking the button to get a food pellet. And when a company treats me that way I know they don’t give a damn about me (if they ever did) but, even worse, they no longer give a damn about their game. And that’s disgraceful.

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Ok, this one is very close to completing the Battle Pass.

Overall, this one likes the update. It is rough on roll out, to be fair.
The hidden daily xp cap is very irritating, because it is hidden.
This one hopes that during the last week or so of the BP they remove that cap.

The lack of transparency in what gives BP xp and how much is what really crimps it all.
Once you know where the xp is at, it is very easy to hit cap if you are already level 60 or hop into Admin (not creative) mode.
Lower level characters and new players may have some issues.

Also, this one despises BPs.
Full stop.
So expectations start low.
As it stands now, it is still one of the least atrocious ones out there.

Suggestions for those trying to get bp xp:
Craft high end items in bulk.
Do not work with other people to slay enemies.
Three skull foes are ok progress, but nothing compared to being able to craft masses of epic gear.
Harvesting resources is not worth targeting.
Hand crafted items generally give 0 BP xp, just like refining ore in the furnace, ect.


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