Did anyone already get the lion pet from the special raidfinder box and can share some Screenshots?
I wasn’t able to see it ingame yet nor did I see a picture of the pet anywhere on the annoucements.
It’s supposed being given after 2 weeks so no one has it yet.
The pet “Golden Lion” can be in the boxes you get with your daily rewards (and which you can only open with the buff “Conquerers Gift” (10 Minutes) that you get for killing the last rf boss). So you need to be lucky to get it, although it is boe and tradeable.
It was on the trader for 500 G yesterday.
Hehe yeah… kinda looks like he got hit by a car on his forehead Well, or someone clubbed it a little too hard when trying to tame it…
I guess it wont happen but they should try to fix the geometry-mesh on it’s head a little bit…
wow)… just wow. dont know what should I do after I saw this pic. cry or laugh? I
m sure that a 6year old son of my friend can draw same ugly lion
300g today and I think in a few days it will be like 50g max
is it a fighter or just vanity pet?.
I bought a black tiger pet off the trader, but instead of it showing a tiger I get this flat faced lion instead, so it’s a bug.
I got a lion pet last night from the anniversary RF chest and its got its eyes closed at all times, the face is not only flattened but its fuzzy like in standard definition vs high definition and frankly I wish I’d sold it instead
Exact same visual as the maltese vaaghasan bug by the way
Like usual PVP dude put on trader for 1,000 Gold… what Joke he is. any hoot I ratter wait get as drop than give anyone Gold for it. I got mine 1 week into the start. Patience is the must grandest of thing in this Planet waited got mine & no ■■■■ made gold from me.
Try putting your game into Dx10 mode…that fixed mine
and devs posted they know its not ‘working as intended’