Looking to Start Tanking, Gearing Advice Requested

I have looked over various web resources, but much of it is “old” in the sense that each new Cache has new weapons.

I have two chars, one Pistol/Chaos and one Blade/Shotgun that are E3-ish solo builds (Anima-Touched weapons, etc.). I’d like to make Tank builds for both of them by switching out the main weapon for Hammer, so one Hammer/Chaos one Hammer/Shotgun. I plan to tank only in group settings (I’ll keep using my original weapons for soloing).

My understanding is that Hammer/Chaos “should” be a sustain tank and Hammer/Shotgun “should” rely on healers being present. I’m not ready to buy tanking-specific talismans/glyphs/signets at this time, so I’d be using my current solo (dps) gear (all 3-pip).

My questions are:

  1. What should my anima allocation %s be – 100% Health or something else?
  2. Which Hammer and which affix would go best with Anima-Touched Chaos of Destruction
  3. Which Hammer and which affix would go best with Anima-Touched Shotgun of Destruction

I’m not necessarily looking for the ultimate best, just which are in the best-of-class class, or at least combos to avoid. I have (or can quickly finish) generic 3-pip purple hammers, but I have about 500K MoF to spend and nothing else I want at the moment, so I’m looking to buy something better.

Any advice (on gear or other aspects of tanking) appreciated.

In terms of hammer/chaos tanking, [Guide] Sustain-tanking for anyone is updated regularly, so has all the cache weapons included :slight_smile:

The same info should be relevant for the shotgun choice too (hopefully!) :smiley:

Thanks! This is what I was looking for, I’ve bookmarked it and am going through it.

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