Loseing everything

Ive logged into the game on official servers, and my entire inventory is gone. I log off with whatever i had and log back in the next day and my whole inventory is gone. Log off inside my base. Fully locked up and way to gain entrance and only have 3 clan members. 1 dont play anymore and the other is my fiancé. So safe to say its not them. So anyone else experience this? Its happened 3 times now.

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hacker ruin more pve offical they stole your stuff. guess you can do nothing

For what its worth, i have found recently my inventory takes way longer to load in than anything else in the gane… way longer.

Don’t know if this is happening to you but one way to check is, despite showing nothing it still gives a percent full value above the inventory slots.

For example, yesterday it was a good 5 mins or more before my inventory showed up but I could see my inventory level at 175%

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