Losing Frost Giants

Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE-Conflict
Region: EU

Hey Guys, I wanted to report that I lost 2 Frost Giants due to glitching.

They disappearence of both definetly had to do with Spider-boss encounters.

  • The first Giant disappeared while fighting one of the Spider-bosses at M4, I couldn’t get him to reappear and after a while it just said “FROST GIANT DIED FOLLOWING YOU”
  • The second Giant encountered the Spider-boss at H5.
    Remembering what happened to the first one, I immediately drove off and made sure the Frost Giant spawned behind me, which he did, shortly after (not too far away from the spider area, but far enough to not be anywhere near her) I noticed the Giant was below the floor again.
    I went to the spot where he was shown on the map to see not seeing him (lol).
    Then I took a quick wee wee on the toilet and returning after 1min he was just gone.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Invest autistic hours to farm and level 2 Frost Giants.
  2. Make sure to farm and feed him Bone Broth (to raise his strenght value).
  3. Be happy about the Perk rolls on both.
  4. Go to a spiderboss.
  5. Watch the Frost Giant to fuse with the ground, disappear and not return until he finally dies.
  6. Profit
    (I’m trying to see it with a bit humor, but I put in all the values that probably are relevant, if you want me to add things, please ask for them or lmk what you think is important in the issue and I’ll be happily providing them)

Ps: pls funcom, put insane effort in the Thrall/Follower bugs-situation!!! I think ConanExiles is an amazing game and the amount of time you have to deal with the thrall/follower-glitching is really off putting :frowning:


I had the same thing happen near mounds of the dead once, my giants are pretty much just base defense now


Exactly my plan.
I’m really sad about having to make workarounds like that though :(.
Just as watching some Thralls just idleing through the whole purge.
The more I play the more annoying it gets.


I have lost a frost gisnt following me through the desert. He just fell through the map and same message the follower died while following me. So I don’t even bother collecting them to level them up anymore.

I feel you.
I hope there’ll be a fix soon, I’ll have to have them Giants!

Hey @Cashmere

Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustration.
We’ve relayed this information to the team so we can look into it.
Thanks for the feedback.

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