Oof, that’s pretty bad. I’ve not attempted a refund request in this game but in others (ESO for example) if you’re unhappy with the purchase, particularly because it didn’t meet the expectations as advertised they will refund you. And their preview store is a lot more interactive than this one. They’ll also ban you if you do a chargeback.
Finding out that those who are reaching out for a refund for something that was very poorly advertised (shown in rock/underground even) and being denied makes me even less likely to spend money on Bazaar items in the future.
Ehhh i still hoping for new complete set (like old DLC) which gonna fit to the desert and wastelands biomes (i mean t3).
Some kind of stygian, or else.
I think the reason they did this set as cubes is because they wanted people to be able to build a sort of dungeon looking room in a pre existing building.
The advantage of foundation (cube) walls is that you can build other walls around it. You just have to place the “normal” walls first. This way you do not have empty spaces between your normal outer wall and this set.
Although I understand the purpose of the set it would have been better to release those set not as cube variant. Because it limits its use. People want freedom to build, this set isn´t providing that.
Also foundation pieces are known to be very heavy on the servers and cause performance issues thus some servers do encourage you to not build more than 2 floors of foundations and even to use pillars and ceilings instead.
This is a myth. So much so that that a bit of thought disproves it. Storing and Calling on the ID, rotation and elevation of a single building piece couldn’t possibly cost more server resources than doing so for two different pieces in the same spot.
That’s a myth that dates back from Early Access, it was disproven many times after that, and if I am not wrong, I think Funcom worked on optimizing foundations, and all the pieces in general at one point.
Because people who have learned and adopted misinformation need to unlearn something they’ve learned, which is a significantly harder process than simply learning something new.
If this is a myth you might aught to inform private server owners/admin. There are some that have cranked up stability so you can build a massive keep on 1 foundation. Or encourage everyone to build with pillars. So If I want a cube it’s a pillar, a floor tile, and 4 fence foundations. I never figured how that could be less stress on the server.
Won’t say for others but i’ll say for myself: i’ll grow to love this set if the set will grow more building pieces!
Thanks to OP for getting my attention to the problem before i even looked at the in-game shop!
I think @Pugilist has it right. It’s part 1 of a set (like the rustic sandstone set) and we will see others come in and then the steep discount of the bundle afterwards.
YES! Thank you. I was a corporate trainer and this was my largest complaint…crappy training from a trainer that wasn’t invested in success and quit so I had to fly it and fix it all.
Stairs-I assume the cube aspect was designed so the stairs should be more like the arena set (solid under the steps).
2)triangle wedges and ceiling pieces. I’m not sure why this wasn’t included but you didn’t put them into that sandstone addition either so I’m curious what is going on there since other sets (turanian and stormglass) contain them. It almost suggests you got two completely different people working on these additions and one just doesn’t like wedges.
A cellar hatch door (1X2,2X4) that people can open and walk down to the dungeon.
Items that are more dungeon aspects like dim wall torches, fire pits, torture devices that can store broke thralls, iron bar walls, chained up corpses and skeletons etc. Perhaps an adaptation of the gibbet that will break thralls like a rack or something
Yeah, I don’t think the idea is bad. It’s the execution of it. The cubes could be an interesting addition, for sure, but it needs to have the standard set pieces as well to flesh it out.
What if I want a dungeon as a prison holding area? There are no interior walls and no regular door frames. How do I get down in my dungeon since there are no stairs?
If they had made this a full set with the standard pieces, plus these additional cubes, it likely would have been a home run.
I feel the set is incomplete, but I actually love it.
It’s very situational, but I’ve been using it in some interesting ways.
It’s made of cubes to give thickness to the walls, especially the frame and the grate. It confers a sort of desperation when you see a wall or a ceiling that thick.
I understand your complains. Maybe the description of the set should be more explicit, but it does what no other can. @jmk1999 you’ll find uses for it, I’m sure. It works very well in the jungle.
I think this is mostly a set for single player because of the building restrictions, though.
See an example of how you can use it.
Of course you can insert it within a base foundation or give wings to your amazing creativity, but this is an example. The sorcery paraphernalia fits well with the theme too. I used black ice, storm glass and frontier pieces, plus some decoration.
As I FINALLY rediscovered how to make former thralls fight me when I recreate my character on SP mode, with the help from a mate in the forum, I’m setting a small adventure for myself while funcom irons out some of the worst bugs of the last update. Anyway, take a look, @jmk1999 and ignore the building mistakes. It’s a cell of a very dangerous convict I’ll fight (a dunkas, but I haven’t placed him yet, placing instead a skeleton for decor purposes).
Another example where I think it might work. Be careful trying this online, though. It’s not a POI, but you’ll delete one Grey Ape spawn. Anyway, there’s no shortage of places in the jungle where you can do it safely.
Ups, I was in performance mode (that I use when building) but here’s a small clip with graphics mode selected. Same concept as the first, still waiting for the prisoner placement.