So one of the things I love about this game os that if you die or tell your follower to ststoststop following you, it’ll teleport to the place you last told it to guard. Yesterday I was playing and died fighting a rhino king, I came back and found my thrall in mid air, just standing there, still alive saying he was “scouting” I can’t build where he is because I guess it’s too close to the city, so I couldn’t build up to get him down. I just thought it wasn’t a big deal, I went back to my base (where i last placed him) and logged off. I logged on today and he wasn’t anywhere in my base. I went back to where he was floating and he wasn’t there either. Where could he have gone?? I never told him to guard anywhere so he SHOULD be at my base, but he’s no where to be found.
Edit: False alarm. I ran back home and he was there, I think what happened was he either took too long to return or he fell through the map.