Low health warning triggered by changing Anima Allocation


Since Anima Allocation adds more HP, it’s now possible to lose more than 75% of your hitpoints by clicking it. If you do, you get the blood warning effect permanently until you raise AA again. It can be avoided by reducing AA in multiple steps (36000 hp -> 10000 hp -> 8700 hp)


Yep, this has been an issue for the whole closed beta. In fact, i went as far as asking Nirvelle to see if it was possible to completely remove this ugly and unpleasant red glow, or make it an option in the settings that you can uncheck.


This issue has been reported to Nirvelle.

This is due to the new way the game tracks hate generation using anima allocation. It is currently bugged, and when you use the build manager to swap from one build to another that changes your anima allocation, the game doesn’t register it correctly. You will have to manually change your anima allocation to something else, then back to what it is supposed to be to get the red glow to go away.

It is also important to note that the hate generation doesn’t reset when you use the build manager either, so if you were tanking, then swap to a dps/heal build with the build manager, you will not only have that red glow, but also still be generating incredible amounts of hate until you manually change your anima allocation. The reverse is also true for swapping from dps/heal builds to tank builds with the build manager. You will generate basically no threat until you manually change your anima allocation.


Not only that, AA causes problems with threat. Another tank and I had to reallocate to survivability several times to get our threat back after switching from DPS back to Tank in a dungeon. If you notice aggro loss, do the same thing. It was also reported to Nirvelle in game.

This has been fixed internally and will be in the next test phase.


Additionally, could you check how new AA-related things (energy changes/non-glance as 51%+ Heal and +Threat as 51%+ Survival) work with Equal Footing buff? Previously, tanking in megabosses was taken care of by ability in-built hate generation, and I don’t know if it took into account AA at all.

The extra hate and extra energy/no glance will still run off your Anima Allocation.

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