Magic in conan can we make it better plz like I get steamrolled

Hmmm… :thinking:

My secret… me… I’ve been raided at least once a week for the last two months. I had enough candy to hand out. I laugh at their bombs. My base was already fragile, so I wiped myself with what they left behind.


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I have plenty, but common mortals that love to role play relaxed, have huge necessity of pvp wizards secrets. In times it would be lovely to share some of your magic tricks please :pray:t6:.

I would kill for a sorcerer follower. Just sayin’.

Ho ho ho…

A careful study of building pieces reveals that sloped edges are a security risk.

I watched the videos for ideas. Now, lets compare them to the fortress. You see fences and crenellations all over except on sloped edges. Follow the maze and you’re inside.

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I’m sorry could you tell me what an ESP hack is?

What I’m envisioning is an invisible flying sensor like an eye. Sort of like when people do that trick on admin to fly and no enemies react to them. You open the map click on a point and your sensor appears there. Then for a period of time you can fly about invisibly. You can’t go through walls or closed doors so you can’t use it to scope out someone else’s base in PvP. Of course to use the scrying table you must use either sacrificial blood or soul energy. Personally I think it should be soul energy to give that resource another use. Maybe even allow the sorcerer to pick how many soul orbs to use to extend the duration.

Extrasensory perception

I would have to show you a video of it. I don’t have the address right now.

Just think of auto aim at a distance but much further. It’s about that.

I just watched a video on ARK esp hacks. This seems completely different to what I’m talking about. This sensor wouldn’t give you any other visual benefits or overlays. It would just be a safe way to scope out an area without physically going there. Like you could use it to see if any starmetal nodes are currently at skywatch or if there are other exiles prowling around the shattered springs.

I don’t know yet if you looking for offensive or defensive skills/spells.

In my case I’m looking for utility type spells. I feel like offensive spells don’t really fit the theme of thaumaturgy from the Conan universe. I wouldn’t want to be able to throw fireballs for instance. But a fetish that allows me to temporarily possess an NPC and control them like a meat puppet for a short time could be fun and I think it would fit the exiled lands. The Scrying device I mentioned is another. Perhaps a spell that turns you spectral for 45 seconds rendering you immune to damage but unable to deal any yourself as a way to escape a dangerous situation. I’m just spitballing ideas here.

Yes, that can be done.

I must of missed something about the invisibility spell.

You can still be hurt while invisible, also I don’t think the spell works while you’re currently being targeted by aggro. The spectral spell would let you avoid all physical damage. The enemies weapons would simply pass through your incorporeal form.

When I meant buffs like maybe a lightning bolt spell bc we can already call lightning strikes down

With respect I disagree. Calling lightning down in an area makes a lot of sense to me but channeling through your hands to a target doesn’t feel like the sorcery of Conan to me. At least not without some sort of conduit like some enchanted gloves of power or somesuch. Another idea for a defensive spell might be a localized tremor that knocks everyone in the sorcerers vicinity down while they stay standing since the can ready themselves for the ground to give out. Maybe it keeps them down for a few seconds letting the sorcerer set up behind them for a combo attack or something.

Set be with you.

I’d just say call lightning itself just needs buffed up a bit. Not to it’s original levels obviously, but give us a reason to actually use it especially now that we have the PvE siege.

Also, Wall of Fire needs a damage component to it, just enough to make it comparable to the oil cauldrons would be fine both on the walls themselves and the cracks between the walls. Those two would be enough on the offense magics part.

Some utility spells we could use as well would be shapeshift(perfectly fitting in the lore) could even have multiple forms like the werehyenas(damage focused), children of jhil(traversal focused), and shaleback(defense focused). Lasts 2-3 minutes and would be a great situational ability without being OP.

And the last one I can really think of sorcerers need specifically with the changes to stamina, call it Unholy Vigor, again 2-3 minute buff which triples the sorcerer’s corrupted stamina(putting it at 1.5 normal stamina). You’d still be weak in health but would definitely be a serious consideration for both pve and pvp encounters, require it to be full corruption to use.

While I’m not against expanding on magic, I don’t see an issue with it as it is.

I am all for expanding magic with more tables and spells. At this time I like the way the existing spells currently work. So Anglinex I would say we are in accord.

Set be with you :snake:

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