The sound effects from animal companions are driving me mad
I am fairly new to this game, so i can’t list all animals pets where this an issue. But I can definitely confirm this being the case for the Elephant and most definitely the Boar.
The sound and frequency these two makes when they are following you is sanity ending. The elephant is making it’s horrible snuffling sound every 2 seconds when it is moving. And its running around at a speed which would make you think it was on cocaine, making it earth shaking walking sound insufferable.
Please, I know creating new sounds will be to expensive, but increasing the interval between the animals making their sounds effects should be an fairly easy fix.
I would love to have a giant cool animal, even spending extra money to make them look even cooler. But i just can’t get myself to do at the moment because of rapid sound effects of them.
Am i the only one who finds them extremely distracting and immersion breaking ?
At least we can’t sense the smell just yet. Waiting for some sort of augmented reality tech to make that happen.
It’s also weird that horses and other animals placed in the world don’t produce dung. If you’ve ever visited stables in real world, you know there’s work to be done every day.
To be completely fair, Horses INSIDE stables do produce dung if fed.
But yeah, I think it would make sense if they produce some after deployed, either in their inventory or dropping it on the ground directly like in Ark.
Maybe there’s a deeper lesson in there. Having a pet is a lot of trouble, they’re often annoying, they need care and attention - so if you really want a pet, be prepared to deal with all the negative sides too, not just petting and playing with them.
Things I learned over 30 years ago: If a tortoise poops on a wool rug, you have only a few seconds to save the rug or it’ll be permanently marked by the experience.
When i say they make their annoying sound every 2 seconds when they are moving, i am not being hyperbolic I timed it. It is a infuriating 2 second loop, while the footstep interval is even worse for the Elephant.
I am not saying it should be mute, but neither should it drive the player insane.
The animals are possible to use as followers and they sell skins for them. Asking Funcom to make it a pleasant sound experience i would say is a fair feedback.
I know that i can just try and find another animal which does not sound as horrible and just go with a thrall.
But this is a feedback thread not a player helping player thread.
I am just saying that it is a shame some animals are a unfun experience to use, and if funcom wishes to have more players invest in their animal skins changing the interval of the sound effect when animal companions are moving is a needed fix.