Maybe nerf Arena Champion a bit?

I just slaped her for fun, but it might be possible. It just would take a long, long time! :smile:

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Nope. The wild version hits as hard as before. It kills you in two shots. Don’t remember that test I made? The thrall version was nerfed. Hard.

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I did it on SP, same definitions as official servers, but it’s the same. I’ve done it online more times than I can count. Never had those lag spikes you talk about there, maybe because there’s not much going on in the area. If it happens and she’s close, you’re toast.

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She does appear to hit in line with that 2.6 multiplier though considering her stats… and there’s nothing else magical happening there that I’m aware of unless… hmmm lemme see :stuck_out_tongue:

No dude. Test it, @Xevyr . Pit a thrall version on champ armor against a wild version. See what I mean. Previously, as the hp difference between both is huge, the thrall version would ALWAYS win easily. Now, the wild version mops the floor with the thrall. I had MANY AC thralls. :laughing: Seriously, check it.

Thanks for confirming. It never, ever went that smoothly for me on official servers :smiley:

Yeah, it really doesn’t have to be a big spike or anything. It’s enough to fight her at a steady 80-ish ping and just have one second around 160 to throw you off. You get used to thinking she’s more or less where your client says she is and attacking at more or less the same time when your client says she did, and then that one second is completely different. :man_shrugging:

Again, doesn’t mean they have to nerf her. You can still manage that fight, and even if you lose, you can just summon your corpse back to your base.

I never lost a fight to her, @CodeMage . As the champion armor used to be my favourite, you can imagine how many times I cleared that vault for scraps.
Funny enough, I have a much more stable experience playing online than on SP.

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All I can say is that I envy you on that :smiley:

I’ve never played on an official server where the latency was stable. Then again, PVE-C servers are notorious for overbuilding.

I don’t need to test it… told you to hold on lol…
Altered my stuff so it shows the wild versions instead of the thralls.
Her melee multiplier is 6.5

(just had to send some angry feedback to Microsoft in the meantime… they keep breaking stuff that used to work :smiley: )


Your wizardry in action, @Xevyr . I have none of that. :cry:


It was always like that. It came as a surprise when I moved from sp to online. Everything worked better. Ps5 used to run this game rather well on both modes. Now it’s a mess, but SP can be worse. I was online yesterday and it’s significantly better. I don’t have the faintest idea why.

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Anyway, about the topic… I doubt they revisit the Champ anytime soon if ever, but I would love to go there unaware and get my ass delivered due to a more polished AI. The thing about the champ is that once you learn her moves, she’s very easy. An authentic punch bag. But it’s a punch bag that kicks back like a mule. If you happen to lose focus or suffer from lag, you are very dead, very quick.
@Xevyr about the judge. Dude, he is the Siptah AC version, but deadlier. By many reasons. Still, he is not hard unless you let the horde of skeletons outside come to the fight. Once I ran through everything (was farming the dude to get the coup de grace) instead of climbing through the gap in the back wall. More than 6 bonies joined the fight and the thing quickly got hairy. I had to leg it out of there, lose the aggro and climb through the back with my pride hurt… :smile:

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I STILL haven’t played Siptah yet lol…
But, the difference with the Judge is that even thou he’s harder to solo cuz of the reach of the spear, the damage and hyper armor on that thing is way less, so thralls can probably easily kill him or at least help quite a lot.

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Be carefull because the dude is quite destructive to thralls, @Xevyr . I wouldn’t say as dangerous as the AC, but he kills a thrall very fast.
You see, although I love strong thralls, I rarely use them to face bosses. But once I took a nice looking babe with me and the mothrfuker killed her while I was fighting outside. I can’t remember her faction, but she was beautiful. I hate him since then! Deeply! :laughing:

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Yes the mace combo is the easiest to predict on any npc/thrall. Now if you wanted a more challenging fight just put a 2h feroxic sword or a harpy spear with the kingslayer illusion on her and watch how frustrated you’d get. 1v1 that is

Are you comparing a fight with a npc to a pvp fight?
Well, if the other player was kind of brain dead, perhaps.
You can’t compare the two. Pvp is incomparably harder.

No not at all

Then what’s your point?

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Arena Champion armor is my favorite. I love the shortened debuffs.

As for this forum, I was still a bit upset about my wolf when I started this. Never expected him to die so fast. Honestly, she doesn’t need nerfed. It’s a simple fight, though it takes me a lot longer than your video. Fun video btw. I tried finding a “spit” emote or something to do after I avenged my wolf, but I didn’t have anything like it.


Yes!.. Poor wolf :wolf: :frowning:
Which… brings us to the other topic… again…

The “pets are already weak but getting nefred again” Sad…

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