MEGAVERSARY 3 The Wacky Bee Stop That Tentacle Bike Race! Saturday 11th July 14:30 Eastern US

As per request and popular demand we are cray-cray to announce the end of the MEGAversary 3 Wacky Bee Stop That Tentacle Bike Race!

This will effectively be a fancy dress race, up to sprint 6 with ANY mount allowed. If you can follow the route below anyway, since we’ll be videoing as much as we can, there will be no prizes for any first past the post, it’s just a chance to celebrate and go a leeetle bee-poodoo crazy :slight_smile:

A prize of the Three Filth Wolf Moon T-Shirt will go to four of the most rediculous/striking/out of this Age dressers. If you can show up before hand, about 15 minutes before half past the hour, we can take screenshots and decide on the winners. The results will be posted on Twitter via #MEGAversary3 and on this thread.

This is the route to follow, you can wheel spin, jump around etc, just have fun :slight_smile: Try and stay on your mount, NO DESINTEGRATIONS!