Meh and cringe Age of Heroes

Ok. That I can understand, and that is not acceptable when people do that either. To make it absolutely clear (Kiki and others already know this) - while I have no interest in playing PVP, it is one of the game modes that the game was sold with, and it is something that lots of players enjoy (or enjoyed). In my view it is not acceptable for any game mode to be removed. At the moment PVP defintely needs more attention than it seems to be getting (we can only judge by what we see, so we do not know what is going on behind closed doors), but also that doesn’t mean that PVP should be the first concern. All game modes should be treated as equally as is possible.

(For a bit of context - I originally joined this forum years ago because I loved the game and wanted to find like-minded people to share that enjoyment with. Pretty much the first conversation I had was a player telling me that “Singleplayer is just creative mode. Your opinions don’t count. Singleplayer should be removed from the game altogether.” Since that time I have been told similar things many times, often by PVPers - these are the sorts of people that Kiki is saying give PVP a bad name and I would be pretty anti-PVP by now if I hadn’t had the opportunity to communicate with some of the good ones as well. It is the same thing when people say PVP should not exist. All of these people are wrong. We’re all here because we enjoy the same game, even if in different ways.)


I will just counter that with this. PvP players don’t need content because it’s Player vs. Player. YOU ARE THE CONTENT. Just as role players are the generators of their own stories, pvp’ers are the generators of their own PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER INTERACTIONS. Conversely, RP does in fact require quite a lot of supplemental content to go along with their game play to create a full fleshed out and diverse environment to thrive in. PvP requires… two people with sticks to smack against one another.

No obviously you need more than that, and this game has failed to deliver the most basic of those things, such as BALANCE. Having played Funcom games since Age of Conan on launch day I can tell you this, Funcom’s stance for PvP has always been this. Players are expected to the driving force behind PvP. They expect players to get up and interact with other players and you know, PvP. However, they have NEVER ONCE BEEN ABLE TO COMPETENTLY BALANCE their classes (in the case of AoC) or weapons / perks (in the case of Conan Exiles) in a meaningful way to make their PvP anything other than “everyone plays this and nothing else or they get rolled”.

But you also have started off with another misconception right from the very start.

This is patently false. Watch the very first developers stream for further proof of this. What does the lead developer say when it comes to play style choices? The first thing he mentions is SOLO play. The next thing he mentions is PRIVATE SERVERS ARE AVAILABLE. Both of these are mentioned well before he mentions public servers (that is correct, PUBLIC servers, he does not even call them “official” servers). So if the lead developer of Conan Exiles in his very first stream had thought that PVP was the primary focus of the game, would you came to elaborate why he would bring up solo play and private servers BEFORE mentioning public servers as being an option? I mean, you can’t bloody well pvp while playing solo now can you?

And yet here were are yet again with another person parroting the same old rhetoric about how "This game was made to be PVP and nothing else and it’s all the fault of the [insert group to insult today]).

You mean like how you are openly insulting anyone who plays the game in any way that is not pvp freely? :thinking: Hello pot meet kettle!

Please go back and read your post, the only hate being spewed here is by yourself.

Siptah is an absolutely beautiful map. I would not go so far as to say it is a good map. It started off that way, but it go whittled down bit by bit to make it “easier”, and with more and more of it’s exclusive content migrating over to the Exiled Lands it is no longer even unique (and so much of the new content is either not being implemented or only in a half arsed way at best it is less and less desireable with every update). The reality is, and as they said it on their latest stream, the VAST majority of players play on the Exiled Lands and thus they are not going to spend the resources they have on SIpta.

OK, ok… :100: agree with you here.

@Kikigirl is :100: correct. And as I pointed out from the very first dev stream it was very clear that the game was not intended to be a PVP SANDBOX GAME. Yes, it was very much intended to be a game WITH PVP and as such PVP concerns and balancing MUST be addressed. It is just as important as every other mod of the game, but it does NOT trump any other mod either and it does NOT have special privileges over other modes, nor does playing on “official servers”.


On official, we’ve been falling though the floors of our bases since April. Can we expect that to be fixed with this update?

If its impossible to fix, just come clean.

For my side, as an active RP player in a private server of my “people”, and for solo RP modder, I dont think this is something aimed at RP by the looks of it.
And from my research on the matter, Funcom did not make a point of saying this is for the RP crowd as in “this is for the RP crowd”.

I think they are literally “taking a ride on BG3 woah! moment” to put it there so some people who originally would not take Conan Exiles as an RPG game would.

But not even BG3 makes “everything it does” for RP crowd. As insane as it is, there are people who play BG3 for the game mechanics and combat system, and dont care about the RPG as to not even read the dialogue.

And I think the real problem is the “fix of conan exiles problems” is going to dune:

Cant say that it is possible to do what they do because it is Unreal Engine 5. Many of the things that they put there that would solve Conan Exiles problems are systems you can code in any Unreal Engine up from 3.

An aside, I am REALLY inclined to think that Dennis body language suggests the companion stuff was put in the game not for “dev insight reasons” and was something that was inserted “top down” in the means of “Boss said make it happen, so make it happen”.

RP players continue to buy cosmetics and decorations while being called cringe by the devs for wishing thrall romancing was the highlight of the last devstream. You guys deserve all the bugs and overpriced stuf you get in this game.

Yes because the bad ideas and bad implementation is the players fault. :roll_eyes:

I mean we did so carry on about wanting soulmask like lively bases, er umm hector covering villages, because no way villages are against the ToC. If they were there’d be a rules, right? Oh wait, there is.

We certainly don’t want any bugs fixed. I mean I’m not worried about logging in to a foundation and having to destroy it and what ever sets on it.
Or getting kicked by battleye.
Or falling through my base when some one logs in or starts a purge.
Or have the game drop everything BUT the iron weapons I’m try to get out of my inventory.
or …

No, we want new options guaranteed not to work, crash servers, lag everyone down, and just over all make the game play experience so much worse.


I don’t even rp, but with plenty of games that have romance options I understand. So throwing dung at them for that is wrong. I can’t tell you how many men have only female thralls because boobs exist and that’s on regular arse pve.

@DeaconElie How many buildings count as a village?

@SilvarMorganRosalia I agree with some of this, but looking over other responses they’ve pretty much nailed it.

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It’s like ■■■■, I may not be able to define it but I know it when I see it.

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While I tend to agree the measure is what is being used in a quantifiable way. It has purpose.

I can barely keep up the fake bar I added to my lowest floor that also doubles up as my stable, I can’t imagine going in each building and patting my doll on the head for fake serving beer, or fake selling wares at the market, or fake worshipping Zath lol

It’s all to show off. Sometimes that’s ok. Sometimes it’s not. But I ain’t going to tell them what my perspective is.

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The sims is that way and game devs over the years have made these options so awful and not worth having that i personally don’t want to see it added.
Looking at you EA/Bioware…

It turns out sooo bad, just don’t , really just don’t…

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There was a bit of context, somewhat important context.
They may not be willing to say it explicitly on the Devstreams, and for good reason, but they constantly dance around how fundamental slavery is to the game. Den even made a mumble to the affect of acknowledging how people get followers in game.

Thrall is a euphemism.
While there are recently more options for gaining followers, the truncheon remains the premier option.

And beating someone into submission, and then torturing them into servitude, to then engage in hanky panky (because this is what we see when games say “romance”, what they mean is sex) with them is cringe. It’s not romantic, no, it has more in common with another word that starts with an R and also is generally avoided in Livestreams.
But even if there isn’t a game of hide the salami or dive for the pearl, it’s still a very particular kind of cruelty to somehow warp your enslaved victim to now think of you as their bestiest bud ever. That kind of conditioning is how you lose your last dot in humanity.

This game is still many updates away from being in a place it could even entertain that notion without it being downright ghoulish.

Because that’s the other half of it.
He acknowledged that if it is done badly, it’s extremely bad, and they didn’t have the resources to implement it well for the Companions (who will pretty explicitly not be concussion acquisitions)

Holy cluck this one wishes they applied that reasoning more.
It’s magical.
It’s just a shame it takes the specter of sex slave simulator to get them to pump the breaks on directions they don’t have the resources to develop in.


There’s a mod for that :flushed:

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Correct. If they were going to implement a romance system it would have to be through an actual companion system, not through slavery / Stockholm Syndrome. Which is whatever but it probably wouldn’t make it to this game.


Wanted some feedback about the night change. Do you like it or? It was well take by players? And why by the way no more battlepass? Greed around bazaar?

While I miss the random stuff I believe they bit off more than they could chew. Three month deadlines were probably really difficult to meet.

It was also probably not profitable because after paying for it once, people could earn the Crom coins to pay for the future passes. In other words, it became largely free content that had those three-month deadlines you mention. The number of people who paid for their Battle Passes each chapter was probably low.

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You make a fair point. Communication could’ve been better also.

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This one doesn’t think Den was entirely ready for that question.
This is not meant to be a slight, but this one is not entirely certain he is always extra comfortable in front of the camera.
Andy was obviously in favour of such a system, but that seemed to be from the they are popular in other games perspective. Rather than yay, we get to have some non-con with our property people.

But that’s the danger of Livestreaming, sometimes uncomfortable questions get asked.
Especially when there is not unity of perspective on the streamer side, sometimes a quick and dirty answer is needed to prevent a disagreement that might be very time consuming, from playing out in front of the audience.

Was it an optimal response?
No of course not.
But the question gets extremely sticky the more we look at it in context of this game and the person whose job it is to talk to people and the person who was putting their foot down were not in complete agreement. That’s not meant to be a moral invective, just a reason why the answer may not have been extremely tightly packaged.


I saw the last video about dune. There is the blueprint system. I hope they put one in Conan.

Yea, that would be cool to be able to copy our buildings and move them to some place else, but i have a feeling the way the maps are set up that would be a lot easier said than actually done.