It’s not a bug
If you have Ancient Obulus coin’s keep them. They are the defecto currency for all future events. They will be reused.
And now you actually have to play the game to achieve them, what a nuisance.
The traders are one of the worst things that has happened to this game.
I like how by the time they fix any new features bugs the new feature gets removed.
Skull duping, Merchant item rotation lol.
Can’t get a single feature working 100% before it is rotated out.
there is no information in patch notes, there are no official explanations, it’s the second day with the patch, don’t think what you want, do what you want. dup of dp continues, crowds continue to run on the speedhack, buying cheap stolen accs. Bug, when a character freezes in one direction and does not turn for 4 years and he exists safely. flybase, undermesh. Your Funcom, gods of fairy tales.
Let’s hope your understanding is wrong for it sure as hell don’t match with the patchnotes.
what i like most is how they intentionally mislead the community with their unclear wording of patch notes.
good work, much trust and wow
Much trust and wow indeed
But I don’t think you are correct on this… Funcom isn’t doing this intentionally out of malice, but out of sheer incompetence.
this game is dead and garbage. move on with ur lives
But yet, here you are, interesting.
Dead? Very arguably.
I remember a former professional Warcraft Ⅲ player saying “the game isn’t dead as long as there are two people playing it” - (1v1 game means 2 players are required for it to be played)
In Conan’s case, PvP also requires a minimum of 2 players, and PvE only requires 1.
Conan PvP is not dead as long as there are 2 people duking it out.
Conan PvE is not dead as long as there is one person on it
What you consider a “dead game” is quite unclear, Conan sure isn’t a massively successful game with a massive community constantly playing, but it is very much alive, both PvP and PvE… Even PvP Officials are alive despite the terrible performance, the exploits, the hackers, and the poor moderation.
So no, Conan Exiles is not a dead game, unless your definition is twisted and far-fetched.
Now is Conan a garbage game?
It is frustratingly good in some aspects and worse than garbage in others, so I guess it can be called garbage by some, and it is an understandable opinion.
It is frustrating just how amazing the game is but so poorly moderated and maintained.
I’m not upset at the designers, programmers or the rest that make up the team. I’m upset at those who make decisions that negatively impact its success and reception.
Because it could be one of the best, imo.
It is one of the best, most addictive games ever, that’s why I have 3k hours in it since 2017ish. or whenever early access started.
A former CE dev was very honest back in the day about CE being cobbled together in great haste due to the company facing bankruptcy. Shortcuts in coding were made therefore the foundation of the game will never be… what or all that it could.
A rewrite from the ground up seems extremely unlikely. Maybe a sequel could/would provide a better foundation to build/expand on but honestly a direct Conan sequel seems unlikely as well.
Interesting and I’m not all that surprised given my recent research.
A rewrite is very unlikely especially now that Tencent calls the shots. But who knows, maybe something might be brewing under the surface that we’re yet to see.
rookie number i got 3k since 2021
The problem concerns merchants who sell legendary weapons, supplies and fighters. they are present in the testlive but in the game, they are transformed into fighters.
merchants are present in the testlive but in the game, they are transformed into fighters .