Meteor showers where are they?

I play on official server #1801 PvP I have been searching the ice areas for meteors and found 1 in three days of searching. Are the showers bugged? Do the showers only happen every couple of real days? I read on some forums, that the showers happen at night and 1-3 showers can happed in a game day. I know the star metal is and should be rare, but how often are the showers?

Meteor showers are rare and you get them over the snow. Sadly have no idea how often. On the day we found 1 there was a 2nd we heard but couldnt see.

My friend witnessed a big meteor shower with more then 12 meteors falling down. Server 1044. To his saying those that fall on rocks they break and you get to mine the pure star metal, i on the other hand broke the shell on 1 meteor that fell directly on the snow near my base close to Temple of Frost.
At the end we couldnt find more then 3 in total and according to the photos that my friend took most of the meteors fell on the big mountain towards the Black Keep.
Bugged or not the meteors do fall but i heard rumors that you can get it only if you see them falling or immediately after. Rarely you can jump into the zone and find them. They might despawn very fast.

We never found them after a shower since huge patch.
Already building near snow biome, being shown the full shower and then searching the whole area, we never found them.
I once found one which didnt let me break it.

On the other hand, I forgot where, I stumbled upon something strange. I was harvesting cobwebs and as I passed a spot after harvesting them, at a certain angle I would see all of them again, while not being able to harvest them (again).
So someone told me there is something about their collision being bugged or something like that.

There is currently a known issue on PC since the patch that there are no meteor showers, or if there are, then they despawn within a couple seconds after hitting the ground. It’s something that will get patch up in an upcoming update so we really appreciate your patience on that in the meantime!

You need to blow them them up with explosives, i used the pink ones, it worked on the second try. Only then can you harvest the star metal ore that was encased within the meteor rock . I hope this helps,

I know what to do with those nodes.
However, it seems it was a bugged or old one, which didnt let me crack them open with a bomb. (or a few fire orbs, 4 of them work just as well)

However, I still had like 250 bars in a chest from before said patch. :wink:

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