Below is a screenshot of my mod page in Conan. Are all the listed versions of the mod on the right, the version I have on my computer, or the version the server is running?
I have rebooted the server several times and enabled and disabled the mods. I even had g-portal do a force refresh.
I cannot connect due to the mod-mismatch. (Northern Timber and Stygian Buildings put pushed out an update today).
I have also unsubscribed and resubscribed/updated my version on my computer several times. Nothing seems to be working.
Is there anyway other than the update date, to see what version the server is running through the g-portal interface? (I know Northern Timber is showing 2.0.1 in its name, but that’s just from a name change I think, and not necessarily reflective of the actual version?)
As a server owner myself I’ve dealt with this several times.
Two things:
First the less likely scenario:
Your mod is out of date behind the server and the workshop is glitching not updating your mod. Usually unsubscribing/resubscribing fixes this. If this doesnt work I found doing a verify files on the game install will force it to redownload them.
More common scenario:
The mod on your system may be newer than the server and the owner didn’t update it yet this happened several times on my server when I missed one getting updated.
As starwalker stated its more likely the server has not had the pak file updated and the mod updated recently.