Missing our Community Staff

What the title says…Missing @AndyB and @Spynosaur_Nicole. How about dropping by Age of Conan and say hello. Drop off some shiny badges, goof around. Let us know that you are around.



Big foot has more sightings than @AndyB & @Spynosaur_Nicole per annum.

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Anzu banned them from not being politically correct enough


It would be great to see them but we should remember a few things.

To us this is a pastime, recreation or maybe an obsession, but to them it’s their job. Doesn’t mean they don’t like their jobs, but they have their daily tasks, long range goals etc planned by others (at least that is my guess)

We have all lamented at the obvious problems associated with a small staff so I am sure their plates are full.

Lastly the pending buyout by Tencent I would wager has created extra work for all at Funcom. Buyouts are both exciting and scary having been through a few myself.

Yes, would love to see some funcom people around especially in game. Maybe they can turn off PMs so they aren’t bombarded by issues outside of their control


I know and I understand what you are talking about Jarafin. Just would like to see them and would like to let @AndyB and @Spynosaur_Nicole know that they are missed.


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I miss Anzu… In fact most of the forum reading was just to see Anzu smack someone around.


Hi, Tman… Glad to see you still on these forums. I want to come and play me some aoc

Ewww Armchair

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Hi Half. long time.